


Articles Regarding the Security of Users' Payments of Specialized Electronic Payment Institutions: Centered around the Payment Services Act of Japan


李旻諺(Ming-Yan Li)


支付款項 ; 足額準備金 ; 交付信託 ; 十足履約保證 ; 清償基金 ; 支付款項之運用 ; 日本支付服務法 ; Payment ; Sufficient Reserves ; Transfer to Trustee ; Full Guarantee ; Sinking Fund ; Utilizations of Funds ; Payment Services Act of Japan




8期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 72






As a response to the rapid growth of electronic payment services, the Legislative Yuan has passed the third reading of the amendment of The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions in December 25, 2020, in hopes of expanding the services of electronic payment institutions, enhance accessibility for the public, and eventually achieve the development of a healthy business operating environment. Specialized electronic payment institutions provide electronic payment services for its users by collecting and making payments for them, thus the question regarding how to secure the payments of its users has become an important issue of The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions. But if we raise the bar too high, it might result in the inability for specialized electronic payment institutions to agilely utilize increasing funds in economic activities, damaging economic development in the end. This article examines the articles regarding the security of users' payments of The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions of Taiwan by observing the articles regarding the security of users' funds in the Payment Services Act of Japan, only to discover that there are many overlapping restrictions towards specialized electronic payment institutions in The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions. This not only has little effect on achieving the goals but also piles up the costs of compliance for specialized electronic payment institutions, which hinders the development of electronic payment services as a result. Legislators should think about how to achieve a balance between the security of users' payments and the development of electronic payment business, preserving appropriate regulations and loosening unnecessary restrictions; only by reducing the costs of compliance for electronic payment institutions can we efficiently stimulate the development of electronic payment business.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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