


Research on Relevant United Nations Human Rights Treaties and Japan's Domestic Law: A Review of Japan's Immigration Control Law


胡慶山(Ching-Shan Hu)


條約 ; 日本 ; 入管法 ; 強制驅離 ; 不遣返原則 ; Treaty ; Japan ; Immigration Control Law ; Forced Eviction ; Principle of Non-refoulement




8期(2022 / 12 / 01)


73 - 113






In international law, although the parties to a treaty have the obligation to abide by the treaty in good faith, how is the above-mentioned obligation implemented in the domestic legal order? It is up to the countries to decide. The above-mentioned decisions, due to the different constitutional systems of various countries, have great differences in the implementation of obligations under international law in domestic law. In addition, since ratification or accession to the treaty, the parties to the treaty, when ratifying or acceding to the treaty, of course, continue to have the obligation to adopt amendments of legislative measures in domestic law, in order not to cause a violation of the treaty. Furthermore, most human rights treaties stipulate effective remedies, including judicial remedies, should be ensured for individuals whose rights under the treaty have been violated. In countries like Japan, where treaties have the force of domestic law, the norms of human rights treaties are already valid legal norms even for the judiciary as a state organ. Therefore, the judiciary is required to confer effective remedies for violations of treaty rights. Courts, when claims of violations of human rights treaties are disputed, shall examine them in detail and, in the event of violations, also have a duty to ensure appropriate remedies. This article will focus on the order of the treaty in Japan's domestic law, and after pointing out the general discussion, review the "principle of forced eviction and non-refoulement," "forced eviction, special permission for residence, and protection of family life" in international human rights law. "In the process of immigration management, the right to receive humane treatment, the right not to be detained arbitrarily, and the right to receive judicial review regarding the legality of detention" and Japan's "Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law", in view of the above four legal issues, it can be of reference value for comparative law when deliberating and enacting relevant legislation in the absence of a refugee legal system in Taiwan, so in the conclusion proposed "Enlightenment to Taiwan".

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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