


Legislation of Environmental Taxes: A Guide for Policy Makers




陳汶津(CHEN Wen-Chin)


環境稅 ; 能源稅 ; 環境保護 ; 特別公課 ; Environmental Tax ; Energy Tax ; Environmental Protection ; Special Levies




24期(2022 / 01 / 01)


165 - 226






Environmental protection is an important global issue that concerns all countries. In order to achieve environmental protection and sustainable living conditions, many countries strive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by exercising administrative control or employing economic measures. Environmental taxes (or energy taxes) in particular are one of the economic measures which aim at guiding human behaviors that are inconsistent with the ability-to-pay principle of tax law. Thus, it is impossible to tailor the principles of taxation for guiding human behaviors. However, the current trend indicates that incorporating elements of guidance into the existing ability-to-pay based tax law is inevitable. Despite the lengthy discussion of enacting levying environmental taxes, it has never come to reality. Drawing on tax and fiscal law perspective and the German legislation experiences, this paper discusses previous legislation drafts on energy tax proposed by legislators like Min-Jen Chen (2006), Chiu-Chin Tian (2008), Li-Wun Cheng (2011), and Ying-Yuan Lee (2012). It further makes the following propositions that might have significant implications on future legislations: 1) Various kinds of special energy-related levies should be consolidated, 2) the basic electricity costs for households and individuals should be tax-deductible, 3) renewable energy should be exempted from energy taxes in order to encourage its use, and 4) the information flow between tax authorities and energy supervisory institutions should be facilitated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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