In recent years, the government has invested a lot of money in special education, nearly 100 colleges and universities in China have special education special education, but with the development of science and technology children with physical and mental disabilities have also increased, I have witnessed the number of disabled institutions and special education schools, the number of children with severe disabilities, however, teachers face this group of children with special needs may not have special education professional quality, often face the embarrassment of helplessness. If there was a set of self-care assessment and training guidance manuals for children with severe disabilities, and the corresponding technical aids are provided, it will certainly do more with less. Study participants: This study, delphi Technique, was used to round up experts and experts' opinions on the self-care checklist for children with severe disabilities. Therefore, the participants in this study include: 1. A total of 28 teachers in special education majors in colleges and universities, 177 teachers in special education schools The results: children with severe disabilities living self-care ability checklist a total of 82 items, can provide relevant personnel assessment or inspection, the formulation of individual counseling programs.
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