


If the school accepts, the child can adapt? The relationship between the supportive school environment and the school adjustment of the first-grade children with special needs in elementary schools




林秀錦(Hsiu- Chin Lin);田佳靈(Chia-Ling Tien)


學校適應 ; 校園支持環境 ; 國小一年級 ; 特殊兒童 ; 特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫(SNELS) ; school adjustment ; supportive school environment ; first grade ; children with special needs ; Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study" (SNELS)




8卷(2021 / 09 / 01)


117 - 157






This study investigated school adjustment of students with special needs who attended regular classes at first grade and also explored the effect of the supportive school environment on student's school adjustment. The study sample was taken from a part of "Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study" (SNELS) in 2010 and the parents, teachers, and the administrative staff of 1,189 children with special needs in regular classes at first grade were surveyed. The statistical analysis involved mean, standard deviation, factor analyses, correlation coefficient, ANOVA and hierarchical multiple regressions. The results showed that these students with special needs tended to adjust better in classroom routines, while students tended to do worse in academic and social adjustment. Teaching modification, teacher's acceptance of inclusion, and parent-teacher-student relationship were found to be positively correlated with the school adjustment of the students with special needs. In addition, after controlling for student and family characteristics, the above variables showed different trends in predicting the different aspects of school adjustment as well as overall school adjustment of these children. Finally, recommendations for future practice and research were made in the light of the findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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