


Repetitive Aesthetic Research: The History of Weaving in Mythological Texts




劉鳳鴒(Fengling Liu)


文本 ; 重複美學 ; 神話 ; 編織 ; text ; repetitive aesthetics ; mythology ; weaving




2期(2020 / 12 / 31)


95 - 128






When Arachne weaves day after day, it is akin to spiderweb-like repetitive labor without the obvious structure but with the weaving time trajectory in the repetition. Repetition as an aesthetic practice can be noticed in myths and stories, with unlimited creativity and imagination. This thesis will consider repetitive aesthetics as the main axis and compose the "origin and legend of weaving" based on the "weaving concept" of "repetitive aesthetics." As per mythology, the goddess of weaving performs her duties. As the goddess of craftsmanship, Athena invented textiles, which is the core focus of the visual arts of the gods. Arachne rewrites the story of the gods from the perspective of mortals, passing endless changes and exquisite skills. Penelope weaves by disassembling the packaging; everything comes from the reprobing of the old materials, rendering the remnants meaningful. Neit has both male and female characteristics and is considered to be the incarnation of original water creation. The name itself means weaver. The mythical story is like a crisscrossing cloth, mixed with the dyes of life and imagination, and the first sewing experience of human civilization comes from animal bones and tendon threads. The prototype of weaving very close to the backbone of the flesh and historical materials, including the related texts. The author observes from the perspective of the creator; the discourse extends from the personal creation context, using historical texts as thread shuttles; and the legends and records of weaving in different texts are considered as spools, drawing out the evolving context of weaving and the corresponding artistic creation related to weaving in contemporary art. Historical texts and contemporary art with repetitive aesthetic practice are intertextualized in such a way that a chronological map of the brocade of generations and diachronic traces can be drawn. This thesis will be divided into four parts for discussion: introduction, repetitive aesthetics, weaving in the text, and conclusion. This is an attempt to organize the literature applying the concept of "weaving," expand the association and reference of related texts through Mandala, concatenate the central idea and keywords, and extend and deepen it, similar to a web structure.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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