


Analysis and Interpretation of Clair Omar Musser's Etude in C Major, Op.6 No.10




林君庭(Chun-Ting Lin)


馬林巴木琴 ; 鍵盤打擊樂 ; 穆瑟 ; 練習曲 ; marimba ; keyboard percussion ; Clair Omar Musser ; etude




4期(2022 / 12 / 31)


105 - 120




打擊樂起源自百千萬年以前。筆者自國中音樂班初學打擊樂,因喜愛其演奏方式便鑽研至今。在多年來的演奏與近年來的教學經驗下,發現大部分的學生(包含昔日的筆者)在練習新曲目前,並未嘗試先瞭解作曲家創作此曲的背景、源由、術語等,便開始練習樂譜上之音符與技巧,以至於演奏出來的音樂缺乏內容及內涵,更別提透過練習樂曲培養出具有前瞻性的眼界與格局。2021年四月中結束之「110學年度高級中等學校藝術才能班特色招生甄選入學」音樂班大考,在主修打擊樂的科目中出了一首馬林巴木琴的指定曲:穆瑟(Clair Omar Musser, 1901-1998)的《C大調練習曲》,此曲便是本文欲分析與探討的作品。在這個打擊樂發展如此多變、快速的世代,此作品看似不難也不長,屬中級程度,卻仍為馬林巴木琴重要且必練的四棒作品之一,但是,演奏穆瑟的作品若只是當成「練習曲」,便會忽略了其音樂內容豐富性,著實可惜!故筆者期望透過分析這首作品,來幫助學生們在練習之前建立起正確的觀念、背景與步驟,包含作曲家生平、曲式分析、演奏此作品需具備的基本練習及詮釋上的建議等。


The origin of percussion could date back thousands of years. I discovered my passion for percussion music when I started to learn it in junior high school. In the years since, my performing and teaching experiences have revealed that most students (including myself previously) do not attempt to realize the background of the music before starting to practice the skills; thus, the music is meaningless. Furthermore, it means that students lack natural thinking skills. The exam for "Music Classes for Talented Students" was held in April, 2021. This study analyzes one of repertoires assigned to marimbas for the exam, namely, Clair Omar Musser's etude in C major. The piece looks simple and short, but is one of the most important marimba repertoires. However, it is a mistake to only regard it as an "etude" when practicing, as you will lose the content and musicality of the music. Therefore, through my analysis of this piece, I expect to establish the correct studying process for students, including a biography of the composer, analysis of the form, a basic exercise for both hands, and a suggestion for interpretation.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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