


A Case Study of the Affecting Factors of Hotel Booking Website Quality and Satisfaction


蔡長清(Chang-Ching Tsai);林秉敏(Ping-Min Lin);李奇諺(Qi-Yan Li)


網站品質 ; 滿意度 ; Booking.com ; 問卷調查 ; 灰色結構模型 ; Website quality ; Satisfaction ; Booking.com ; Questionnaire ; Grey structure modeling ; Hierarchical relations




19卷2期(2022 / 11 / 01)


1 - 19






Due to the computer advancement and internet development has transformed the traveling model. Group touring has been gradually replaced by free traveling. According to the national statistics, most people have over the past three years tended to plan and organize their own domestic tours. They refer to booking websites for relevant information and price comparison. Various online traveling services have arisen to meet market needs. Keen competition arises, accordingly. It is important therefore, for businesses to bring out their best to have a market share. Website quality and satisfaction are considered to be the most important affecting factors. Booking.com, an online hotel room booking site, serves as the research subject. Questionnaire survey, which includes related items, is conducted for data gathering. The collected data, which are analyzed in terms of the grey structure modeling, yield item weight, ranking and hierarchical relations. The paper can be referred to by future related research and businesses.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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