


The Study Relationships of Sports Fan and Parents Sports Attitude to Physical Fitness Performance of 5^(th)-6^(th) Grader Students


白春榮(Chung-Jung Pai);胡秀媛(Hsiu-Yuan Hu);邱紹一(Shao-I Chiu);林金定(Jin-Ding Lin)


國小高年級學童 ; 運動迷 ; 知覺家長運動態度 ; 體適能 ; SPSS20.0 ; 5^(th) to 6^(th) grader ; Life situation of sports fans ; Perceive parents' attitude towards Sport ; Physical fitness




19卷2期(2022 / 11 / 01)


69 - 90






The main purpose of this study is explored to sport fans, parents' attitude towards sports, and physical fitness at 5^(th) to 6^(th) grade with its status quo. The study also analyzes the performance effect on life situation of sports fans, parents' attitudes towards sports, and physical fitness. This study adopts the questionnaire method, and takes 493 elementary school students at 5^(th) to 6^(th) grade in the Northern and the central part of Taiwan (including Zhongli, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, and Yunlin) as the formal-test samples. Three scales were used for the tools, including "Sports Fans Life Situations Scale", "Perceive Parents' Attitudes towards Sports Scale" and "Self-evaluation of Health and Physical Fitness Scale". After the data collection, the statistical software SPSS 18.0 was applied to process item analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way analysis of variances, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results of this study found that: (a)there are partial differences base on background variables among the context of life situations of sports fans and the perception of parents' attitude towards sport and physical fitness of 5th to 6th graders. (b)The life situations of sports fans and physical fitness are significantly related. (c)The perception of parents' attitude towards sport and physical fitness are significantly related. (d)The life situations of sports fans have a significant influence on the career development. (e)The perception of parents' attitude towards sport has a significant influence on physical fitness. Finally, the study also provided suggestions for school counseling and further researchers, which provide for by students, parents, school teachers, and educational administration as references.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
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