The paper investigates an innovative science teaching method in a departments of elementary education of a normal university. Science fairy tale writing is implemented for observation of student learning, where the number of student is 52 persons. First, after teaching astronomy, students are asked to read "Secrets from Starlight". And then they are asked to imagine to be a star with certain color and participate in a dialogue with others. Next, after teaching geology, students are asked to read "Dialogue among Books". Again, students are asked to imagine for themselves as an earth science book to talk with other books or readers. Finally, basic descriptive statistics method is implemented that to cardinal analyze the topic classification and creativity level of the two assignments. Data analysis demonstrated that students are active to learn more knowledge relating to the topic on the one hand, and develops more high-level cognitive ability, including creativity and organizing. But there are some implicit misconceptions in their writing, which need to be clarified later.