The current development of higher education focuses on student learning outcomes and uses a multi-learning pipeline to construct a systematic learning process for students to acquire abilities and knowledge. Students' learning outcomes include the professional competence of formal courses and the soft power of informal courses that need to be reviewed through evaluation. Therefore, this research is based on the Southern University A, and the school will set its core competence indicators according to the philosophy and educational goals of this school. The competencies include: "Employability", "Practical Innovation Ability", "Service Concerns Ability", "Sincere and dedicated attitude", "Operating and Management Ability", "Team Cooperation Ability", "Ability of Communication and Expression", "Macro-international Vision" etc. Establish the evaluation tools through the literature review and statistical analysis. The validity of questions in this established evaluation tool is corrected by expert validity. And then revise the semantic of the questionnaire; in reliability analysis, Cronbach's α value of a question item is between 0.52 to 0.79 and reaches significance. In the factor analysis, it is found that the overall explanation of variation is 77.43%, and the overall Cronbach's α is 0.972. It can be seen that the items of the Southern University A competence index scale constructed in this study have discrimination and internal consistency and reliability. The indicators are appropriate. And further school-wide surveys on students can be conducted in the future. The scale designed by the Institute is a sample survey of the degree of competence in every department's senior students in each of their core competencies, among the 238 valid collection questionnaires, students in the self-evaluation of the core competence in the school have the highest degree of " Service Concerns Ability " (M=4.11) and then the degree of " Sincere and dedicated attitude ". M = 4.02); the degree of "Employability" is relatively low (M = 3.61).
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