This study investigated the relationship among the positive traits, music passion and subjective well-being of the students in college concert bands. Furthermore, we compared the differences among the positive traits, music passion and subjective well-being with various genders, grades, musical instrument genres, seniority of learning musical instruments, starting time to join instrumental ensembles and whether the students serve as cadre members in concert bands. The study adopts "questionnaire method", which takes "the relevant questionnaire among the traits, activity involvement and feelings of students in college concert bands" as research tools and students in college concert bands as objects of study. First, we choose schools by purposive sampling; then, samples by cluster sampling. Totally, we send 420 formal questionnaires and retrieve 412 pieces. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1.The positive perception among the positive traits, music passion and subjective well-being of students in college concert bands is high-intermediate level. 2.There are significant differences in college concert bands students from various musical instruments genres among the dimensions of positive traits, music passion, and subjective well-being. 3.There are significant differences in college concert bands students who have ever served as cadre members among the dimensions of positive traits and subjective well-being. 4.There are significant differences in college concert band students from different genders in the "positive" dimension of subjective well-being. 5.The relevance among positive traits, music passion and subjective well-being of students in college concert bands are high-intermediate. Finally, based on the outcome of the research, we would offer suggestions to the related organizations and the coming researchers as references.
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