


The study of the relationship between STEAM education and Dewey's aesthetics




何奕慧(Yi-Hui Ho)


STEAM教育 ; 杜威美學 ; 思維術 ; 經驗 ; STEAM education ; Dewey's aesthetics ; how we think ; experience




5卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


73 - 117






This study focuses on STEAM education and Dewey's aesthetics to identify their relationship through hermeneutics and documentary research. STEAM education is one of the important policies of current education, as it fits the needs of the time and will influence the future of education. On the other hand, Dewey's philosophy is based on the theory derived from the interaction between organisms and their environments. Dewey's unique aesthetics is continuously and systematically constructed by experience and by making use of how we think. Upon investigation of STEAM education and Dewey's aesthetics, there are two main findings in this article. First, there is a strong connection between STEAM education and Dewey's aesthetics. Second, Dewey's aesthetics can support the philosophical foundation for the development of STEAM education. Dewey's aesthetics is the essence of Dewey's philosophy, and it has significant contributions to guiding STEAM education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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