


Exploring the Practical Concept of University Social Responsibility from Barnett's Perspective of "Ecological University"




陳玲玲(Ling-Ling Chen)


Barnett ; 大學社會責任 ; 生態型大學 ; 高等教育 ; Barnett ; university social responsibility ; ecological university ; higher education




5卷2期(2021 / 09 / 01)


49 - 71




大學與社會之間的互動,已經超越教學和研究的範疇,而擴展到促進社會和經濟的發展。實踐大學社會責任(University Social Responsibility)成為高等教育的任務與趨勢。本文簡述大學社會責任的內涵,並提出R. Barnett生態型大學(ecological university)的三項特色作為論點:一、強調「多元生態」及與外界的互動關係;二、追求人類「永續發展」及「福祉」;三、重視「存有」及「生成」的概念。最後,以「生態型大學」觀點探究大學社會責任的實踐理念,從三個面向進行論述:一、實踐社會責任的「主動性」;二、秉持大學的「自主性」和「批判性」;三、強調社會實踐的「智慧探究」。


The interactions between universities and the society have transcended the scope of teaching and research, and which expanded to promote social and economic development. Practicing university social responsibility became the task and trend of higher education. This article briefly describes the connotation of university social responsibility, and proposes three features of Ronald Barnett's ecological university to argue for: (1) emphasis on multi-ecology and interaction with the outside world; (2) pursuit of human sustainable development and wellbeing; and (3) emphasis on the concept of being and becoming. Finally, this article discusses in three aspects that are related to university social responsibility: the first is the initiative to practice social responsibility; the second is the autonomy and criticality of universities; and the third is the wisdom inquiry of social practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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