


Combining PBL and Rubrics in the teaching modules of landscape design, the practical framework of design projects focus on climate issues


李麗雪(Lee-Hsueh Lee);何立智(Li-Chin Ho);吳佩玲(Pei-Ling Wu)


問題導向學習 ; 評量尺度 ; 教學模組 ; problem-based learning (PBL) ; rubrics ; teaching module




99期(2024 / 03 / 01)


56 - 66




景觀設計課程是東海大學景觀系的主軸課程,各年級上課方式皆以多位教師分組教學,雖擬有教學目標及課程進度,但未有良好的課程教案與教學模組可供依循。學生在學習上常無法確實了解教學重點與內容,且不同年級在學習上也可能疊床架屋且無效。教師們對於學生評圖的評論及給分也常有分岐。本研究擬導入PBL及Rubrics 於教學及評圖過程中,目的在提昇學生的學習成效、協調教師間教學內容及成績評定的一致性,並藉以發展橫向結構緊密、縱向循序漸進的教學模組。研究結果顯示教師使用Rubrics尺規評量學生設計成果與傳統評圖打總分方式是没有差異的,教師訪談指出Rubrics尺規有利於老師評圖更易聚焦,在給分上更加客觀。學生學習成效,不論是學生自評或老師評學生都顯示是進步的,學生及教師皆指出課程導入PBL教學有助於學習,且成效良好。整體而言PBL 教學及Rubrics尺規的運用可以協助授課教師間在教學及評圖上的共識、掌握學生學習成效。學生也更能了解課程學習重點,且學習成效具持續性。同時也可據以做為系景觀設計系列課程規劃應用,有效協助教學重點內容從低年級到高年級的界定及銜接。


The landscape design course is the main course of the Department of Landscape Architecture of Tunghai University. The instructional method of course adopts team teaching. There are teaching objectives and programs, in each separate, but that lacks teaching modules to follow. Students often could know well the overall content of teaching in learning. The grades and comments of students' design achievement were disagreement between teachers. The study introduced PBL and rubrics in the teaching practice and design critique. That aims to improve learning effectiveness, adjusted agreement on the teaching content and score of outcome critique between teachers. Meanwhile, to construct the teaching modules for serial landscape design courses of landscape architecture department. The result shown that there is no difference between the score by rubrics and traditional critique. Teacher interviews pointed out that rubrics could be helpful to objectivity of scoring and comment on design outcome. Students' learning effectiveness shown progress, whether it is self-assessment or teacher's assessment. Students and teachers all point out that PBL was helpful for learning and had better performances. Overall, the landscape design courses applied the PBL and rubrics could help teachers to get the consensus on teaching practice, design outcomes critique, and tracked students' learning situation and effectiveness. Students were better to understand the learning contents, outcomes, and effectiveness. The research results also applied to plan the series of courses in landscape design and assisting in the definition and connection of teaching contents from under to upper classes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 市政與環境工程