


Managing Invisible Water: Artificial Intelligence-Based Technologies for Capacity Building of Groundwater Governance in Taiwan






人工智慧 ; 電腦視覺 ; 地下水 ; 水源供給 ; 治理 ; Artificial intelligence ; Computer vision ; Groundwater ; Water supply ; Governance




71卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


28 - 39




放眼全球乃至臺灣,地下水為人類發展所需之重要水資源。然而,缺乏適當管理下,超抽地下水導致地層下陷、海水入侵乃至連結的河川系統枯竭等環境災害。本研究應用內容分析法(Content analysis)薈萃分析目前臺灣應用人工智慧技術於地下水管理相關之研究,進一步探討第三次人工智慧浪潮下,深度學習(Deep learning)對政府地下水治理(Groundwater governance)能力建構(Capacity building)提升之展望。本研究以深度學習電腦視覺如何協助納管巨量未受監管之私用抽水井作為說明,展示人工智慧技術於臺灣地下水管理正進階至深度學習時期,過去機器學習方法已可預測高複雜度而非線性之地下水位變化,但亦可能遭遇過度學習及低泛化能力(Low generalizability)等問題。傳統機器學習資料來源多為數字數據資料,深度學習技術進一步能透過擷取影像、語音及文字等大數據多樣之資料特徵,提升資訊技術以強化監管(Regulatory function)及財務(Fiscal function)等地下水行政管理職能之效益,展望當前人工智慧科技之演進,透過多模態機器學習(Multi-modal machine learning)整合多樣型態大數據資訊能有效提供未來政府地下水治理之能力建構。


From the world to Taiwan, groundwater is an important water resource that supports human development. However, the overdraft of groundwater due to a lack of appropriate management has led to environmental disasters, such as land subsidence, seawater invasion and depletion of rivers linked to the aquifer. This study synthesized the studies relevant to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on groundwater management in Taiwan through a content analysis. We discuss the potential of deep learning to improve the capacity building of groundwater governance under the third wave of AI. We demonstrated that the deep learning-based computer vision technology could investigate and manage enormous unregulated private pumping wells. The case study revealed the evolution of AI applications in groundwater management, transitioning from machine learning to deep learning. While machine learning methods have shown its ability in predicting complex and nonlinear groundwater level changes, but they may also face the problems such as overtraining and low generalizability. Given the fact that traditional machine learning applications are limited to numerical data, deep learning-based approaches can capture important features from big data variety by incorporating images, videos, texts, etc. As such, deep learning technologies can facilitate regulatory and fiscal functions of groundwater administration via the improvement of information management functions. As AI continues to evolve, the multi-modal machine learning, which incorporates data diversity, can further improve groundwater governance.

主题分类 工程學 > 水利工程
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