


The Textual Conception and Actual Performance of the Use of Opera Space-Taking Li Yu's Play Fengzhengwu and its Liyuanben for Analysis


李佳蓮(Lee, Chia-lian)


李漁 ; 戲曲空間運用 ; 梨園本 ; 風箏誤 ; 文本構思 ; 演出實際 ; Li Yu ; Use of Opera Space ; Liyuanben ; Fengzhengwu ; Textal Conception ; Actual Performance




26期(2022 / 06 / 01)


83 - 115






This paper is entitled "The Textual Conception and Actual Performance of the Use of Opera Space--Taking Li Yu's Play Fengzhengwu and its Liyuanben for Analysis". It aims to study the Chuanqi play Fengzhengwu, and it's liyuanben written by Li Yu, the playwright in the early Qing dynasty, and explore the conception of the use of opera space in the text of the play and the actual performance on the stage. Li Yu wrote the scripts with the attitude of "filling in a text (desk), specially for a debut (stage)". There are many kinds of liyuanben, revisions, gongchipu, shenduanpu, and contemporary Kunqu opera adaptations, which indicate the importance of Li Yu's works and liyuanben. However, there is very few research on discussing the specific situation of Li Yu's plays being put into stage performance, especially on the existing liyuanben. Therefore, in this paper, the "spatial research in the texts of operas" is used for analysis and it shows that Fengzhengwu is good at using space to plan the layout, or misunderstanding, imagination, and symbolism caused by the partition of space to create the plot of climaxes, or shape the characters, good and evil. The use of these spaces is related to the contrast and tension between the gender and power of the characters in the play, which highlights the witty and humorous, and the aesthetic taste of joking and sarcasm to achieve the profound meaning of "unity of romance and ethics". The use and arrangement of these special spaces are almost completely preserved in various Liyuanben, gongchipu, shenduanpu, and sanchuzhezixi, which can also be demonstrated in the actual stage performance of Kunqu opera today. The use of space extends from Li Yu's original work to liyuanben, from text conception to actual performance, all of which have the significance and value. Although domestic and foreign academia has achieved fruitful research on Li Yu, there is not much research on Li Yu's dramas extending to stage performances and the use of opera space, which is indeed a field that has yet to be developed by the academic circles.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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