


"Chinese Phonology and Speech" Course for Elementary School Teacher Training in the Post-epidemic Era Online Teaching Practice and Reflection


張金蘭(Chang, Ching-Lan)


國小師培課程 ; 國音及說話 ; 線上教學 ; COVID-19 ; elementary school teacher training courses ; national accent and speaking ; online teaching ; COVID-19




26期(2022 / 06 / 01)


149 - 171




國音及說話為國小師資培育的必修課,也是師資生修習各科教材教法的先備課程。課程目標為透過實際演練,使師資生瞭解國音學知識,字正腔圓地發音,並掌握口語表達技巧。研究者擔任本校師培中心國音及說話課程已有多年經驗,於2021年五月中,因為COVID-19疫情嚴峻被迫轉為線上教學。研究者思索著要如何將國音及說話這門口語表達實務性課程從實體教學轉為線上教學?本研究目的有二:一是了解學習者對於國音及說話線上課程的學習感受;二是提出研究者對於線上教學的省思。研究者使用Google meet視訊軟體,參與者為本校修習研究者在109學年度第二學期所開設之師培必修課—國音及說話的兩個班級,分屬17個系所,共計80人。研究方法為問卷調查法、觀察法、內容分析法。研究工具以質性資料為主,包括學習者的實體線上課程調查表、課後小作業、課後回饋單、期末心得,以及教學者的教學反思記錄、錄影觀察記錄等。研究結果有二:一是學習者的學習感受多為正面,學習者的高參與度與良好的師生互動是線上教學成功的關鍵;二是研究者認為國音及說話之實體課程與線上課程均能達到課程目標,而線上教學工具不必太多,重點在於課程設計。未來疫情結束後可嘗試採取混成式教學,將線上教學與實體教學的優點相結合。


"Chinese Phonology and speech" is a compulsory course for elementary school teacher training. The goal of the course is to enable teachers and students to understand the knowledge of Chinese phonology through practical exercises, master various oral expression skills, and be able to pronounce them in full. The researcher has many years of experience in this course of the teacher training center of our school. In mid-May 2021, due to the severe COVID-19 epidemic, the course was forced to switch to online teaching. Therefore, I thought about how to transform the practical course of oral expression of national accent and speaking from physical teaching to online teaching. Accordingly, the purpose of this thesis was two folds: one was to understand learners' feelings about online courses in Chinese Phonology and speech; the other was to put forward the researcher's reflection on online teaching. In this study, I used Google meet. This research took a sample of ideas. The participants of the study were the two classes of Chinese Phonology and speech, which were compulsory teacher training courses offered by the researchers in the second semester of the 109 academic year. They belonged to 17 departments and had a total of 80 people. The research tools were mainly qualitative data, including learners' physical online course questionnaires, after-class assignments, after-class feedback sheets, final experience, as well as teachers' teaching reflection records, video observation records, etc. The results of the study were two: First, learners' learning experience was mostly positive. High learner engagement and good teacher-student interaction were the keys to the success of online teaching. Second, I believed that both physical and online courses of Chinese Phonology and speech could achieve the course goals, and there were not too many online teaching tools. The focus was on courses design. In the future, after the epidemic will be over, we could try to adopt hybrid teaching, combining the advantages of online teaching and physical teaching.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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