


"Wang Wei" and "Tao Wei" - Wei Yingwu Discussion in the Wang Shih-Chen's Poetics from the Perspective of Equal Popularity


王潤農(Wang, Juen-Nung)


王士禛 ; 韋應物 ; 王韋 ; 陶韋 ; 並稱 ; Wang Shih-Chen ; Wei Yingwu ; Wang Wei ; Tao Wei ; equal popularity




25期(2021 / 12 / 01)


27 - 55






All previous studies on Wang Shih-Chen' poetics suggest that he attached the highest importance to "Wang Wei and Meng Haoran." Besides, relevant studies also focused on these two scholars. However, the literature review reflects that Wei Yingwu also played an important role in Wang Shih-Chen's poetics. Although the academic circle in the past has mentioned this issue, an in-depth investigation has never been performed. This study aimed to probe into this issue and specifically demonstrate how Wang Shih-Chen thought about Wei Yingwu. As Wang Shih-Chen mentioned Wei Yingwu, he tended to use both "Wang Wei" and "Tao Wei." Apparently, the "equal popularity" of these two names is the key to understanding how Wang Shih-Chen thought about the poems of Wei. When Wang Shih-Chen mentioned the equal popularity of "Wang Wei," Wei Yingwu's quiet and distant poetic realm became the focus of attention, and Wei was regarded as a literatus in line with the aesthetic ideal realm of "charm." The equal popularity of "Tao Wei" revealed the poetic topics different from "Wang Wei", uncovering the simple and unadorned text style of Wei Yingwu, which resembles Lessons from the States from five masters of ancient works. Wei Yingwu's equal popularity was shared with two scholars. One is Wang Wei who has the highest status in poems of ideal realm of charm, and the other is Tao Yuanming who plays a significant role in classical poetry and has a noble personality. Wei Yingwu not only achieved the ideal realm of "scenic poems" but also was regarded as a master with a simple charm and close to the realm of Lessons from the States.As Wei Yingwu shared equal popularity with Wang Wei and Tao Yuanming in Wang Shih-Chen's poetics, this phenomenon deserves attention. In the past, poetic critics usually used "Wang Wei" or "Tao Wei" in their criticism. However, Wang Shih-Chen used both "Wang Wei" and "Tao Wei" to show his insights into poetics.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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