


A woman's identity and observations --- "crying verse" in kua-á-hì theatre and the young women's roles of Liao Qiongzhi


楊馥菱(Yang, Fu-Ling)


歌仔戲 ; 哭調 ; 苦旦 ; 廖瓊枝 ; kua-á-hì ; khàu-tiāu-á ; ku-dan ; Liao Qiongzhi




25期(2021 / 12 / 01)


57 - 79






After Taiwanese operas began playing on the inner stages of the imperial court in China, they were able to surpass both the northern and southern operatic styles and other traditional dramas, owing their success to the style of singing incorporated into the pieces. There are especially many melodies that tend towards sorrowful "khàu-tiāu-á" or crying verses in each of the respective tunes, captivating audience members. As to where these crying verses originated from, many historical sources say that its relationship is inevitably tied up with the culture of rule and assimilation during the Japanese Colonial Rule period, which as its roots in the high-handed impacts of the Japanese colonial government. Such rule led khàu-tiāu-á to appeal towards political factors. This paper begins with a description on the time period when crying verses were first produced. The author aims to propose a correction to the idea that crying verse arose as a result of suppression of Taiwanese opera during the Japanese colonial period and instead infer that the actual reason for the creation of crying verse originated from the real living conditions of contemporary society. The author attempts to use more of the historical record and other writings such as literary pieces to rectify and posit that the direct factors and meaning in the production of crying verse. The author also chooses to use the example of Taiwan's queen of the ku-dan, Liao Qiongzhi to prove that crying verse and the Taiwanese feminist movement are closely related to one another. This study is divided into five chapters. The First Chapter is the "Foreword," which combs through all the various iterations in previous literature on the origin stories of crying verse; Chapter Two, "A Discussion on 'Crying Verse's Origination from Japanese Oppression," uses the historical record to review the origins of crying verse through the trajectory of time; Chapter Three "The Relationship Between Actresses and the Creation of Crying Verse," uses contemporary Japanese novels and news articles as evidence to explain the inseparable relationship between female stage performers and crying verse; Chapter Four is an explanation by "Taiwan's Queen of the Ku-dan, Liao Qiongzhi," who discusses how female actresses made crying verse into an important part of singing acts within Taiwanese Opera performances, and how the character is searching for salvation and consolation through the act of singing in crying verse. Taiwan's queen of ku-dan singing, Liao Qiongzhi, is especially known for explaining the special connotations of crying verse within Taiwanese Opera's Ku-dan performances. Chapter Five is the "Conclusion," which summarizes the aforementioned argumentations, and re-envisions the definitions and values of khàu-tiāu-á crying verse.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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