


On the Experience and Theme Construction of Cai Fuli's Ocean Poems - Take "Blue Pasture" and "Blue Sea Lianjiang" as examples


黃慧鳳(Huang, Hui-Feng)


海洋詩 ; 蔡富澧 ; 馬祖 ; 經驗 ; 藍色牧場 ; Ocean Poetry ; Cai Fuli ; Ma Zu ; Experience ; Blue Ranch




25期(2021 / 12 / 01)


81 - 105






In 2005, Cai Fuli assembled 20 years of ocean poems and published the "Blue Pasture" poem collection, and he was hailed as the successor of ocean poetry. In 2016, the book "Blue Sea and Lianjiang: Pearls Scattered in the Estuary of the Minjiang River" was republished, making another great achievement for ocean poetry. Rich life experience is the fertile ground for literary creators to write. However, Cai Fuli is not a resident of Matsu and has no experience living there. Therefore, the poetry collection "Bihai Lianjiang" for the culture of Matsu islands does not have the advantage of life experience, so this article starts with The difference of ocean experience, let's explore the source of ocean experience and the creation of ocean subject in these two books. The former starts from the writer's standpoint and surrounds the author's life experience, life development and life experience; while the latter is different due to the author's perspective It has an altruistic pattern of writing history in poetry, and reproduces the life, culture and spirit of the people on the islands to survive by visiting the elderly, historical figures, and other people's experiences in the literature. That is to say, experience is not a complete guarantee for the quality of the work, and writing with care can also make a good story.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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