


Poets, Characters in poems and Poems - Read the Wei Feng of "The Book of Songs" from Maslow's perspective


陳溫菊(Chen, Wen-Ju)


魏風 ; 需求理論 ; 詩人 ; 詩中人 ; Wei Feng ; Need hierarchy theory ; Poets ; Characters in poems




23期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 29




本文以《詩經.魏風》為研究素材,嘗試運用心理學大師馬斯洛(Abraham Harold Maslow, 1908-1970)的「需求理論」,從讀者的觀點解讀詩篇,由是詮釋詩人的創作動機和情感意念。全文內容,除了前言、結論之外,正文乃就《魏風》的七首詩篇〈葛屨〉、〈汾沮洳〉、〈園有桃〉、〈陟岵〉、〈十畝之間〉、〈伐檀〉、〈碩鼠〉逐一論述:首先,梳理古今學者對於詩旨的重要觀點,然後提出筆者個人的看法;其次,以「詩中人」(指詩篇的主人翁)的情感和意識為主導,從其視角閱讀詩篇的內容,掌握「詩境」,據此觀察詩人的抒發與表白,理解其感情與「心境」;最後,透過對詩篇意旨、詩中人形象的體悟,以及對詩人創作思維的「需求」的考察,彰顯本文寫作的目的,即詩人面貌的考察。雖然《詩經》的作者多不可考,然而詩篇是詩人自身生命、生活經驗、情感志向的反映與投射,因此,以詩篇為中介來認識詩人,仍是可行的管道之一。


This paper is based on "The Book of Songs.Wei Feng" as the research material, interpreting the poems from the reader's point of view using Maslow's need hierarchy theory, and then explain the poet's creative motives and emotional ideas. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this paper will analyze seven poems one by one: first, sort out the views of ancient and modern scholars on the subject of poetry, and then put forward the author's point of view; second, take the emotion and consciousness of the characters in the poem as the leading factor, read the poem from their perspective, master the realm of the poem, and then observe the poet's feelings and mood based on this; finally, through the study of the theme of the poem, the image of the characters in the poem, and the investigation of the "demand" of the poet's creative thinking, are the purpose of writing this article, which is also the image of the poet. Although most of the authors of "The Book of Songs" weren't known by the world, poetry is the reflection and projection of the poet's own life, life experience, and emotional aspirations. Therefore, it is still one of the feasible channels to know poets through the poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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