


The Manipulation of Characters of Taiwanese Opera Actors - A Case Study of Yang Li-Hua's Taiwanese Opera on Television


楊馥菱(Yang, Fu-Ling)


臺灣歌仔戲 ; 演員妝扮 ; 楊麗花 ; 電視歌仔戲 ; Taiwanese Opera ; actor's makeup ; Yang Li-Hua ; Taiwanese Opera on Television




23期(2020 / 12 / 01)


55 - 78






This paper aims to discuss the development and significance of manipulation of Taiwanese Opera characters. Based on Taiwan's social and historical context, this study reviews the changes in Taiwanese opera actor's "makeup". This paper further analyzes Yang Li-Hua's performing arts and her manipulation of opera characters through a case study of Yang, who usually acted as Kunsheng (male impersonator) in Taiwanese opera. The first section of this paper is a preface, which outlines the development and evolution of Taiwanese opera and the significance of Yang Li-Hua in Taiwanese opera history. The second section discusses the "makeup" of the Taiwanese opera actors. Through a historical study of the development of Taiwanese Opera's "makeup", this section expects to understand the evolution of male impersonation and female impersonation in Taiwanese opera. The third section focuses on Yang Li-Hua and her Taiwanese Opera performance on television. The author deals with Yang's life and her artistic merit in TV performance and proposes her academic status and research value in Taiwanese opera history. The fourth section is the performing art and Yang Li-Hua's manipulation of opera characters in her Taiwanese Opera on television. This section analyzes Yang's performing art and her manipulation of characters, exploring the artistic features in her opera "makeup". The fifth section is the conclusion, which summarizes the viewpoints of this paper, and further illustrates the feature of Yang's manipulation of opera characters.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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