


An Analysis of the Characters of the Unearthed "Cangyu Pian"-Concurrently Discussing the Edition Issues Derived from Jan 29 of Peking University Han Bamboo "Cang Ji Pian"


許文獻(Hsu Wen-Hsien)


出土《蒼頡篇》 ; 北大漢簡《蒼頡篇》 ; 溯秦字形 ; 《蒼頡篇》版本 ; Unearthed "Cangyu articles" ; Peking University Han Bamboo "Cangyu articles" ; retro-Qin glyphs ; "Cangyu articles"




22期(2020 / 06 / 01)


37 - 60






"Cangyu Pian" was originally a Qin Dynasty document, but its original ancient version has not yet been seen. In the "Cangyu Pian" unearthed so far, according to its content, it can be divided into the Peking University and the Fuyang River. As well as more of the Bali book masters, including Dunhuang Bamboo Slips, Juyan New and Old Bamboo Slips, and British Tibetan Bamboo Slips, as well as the Shuiquanzi Bamboo Slips published in recent years, may also belong to the Bali Book Masters system. The main differences between the versions are mostly the chapter system and the glyphs. That is, in terms of the glyphs, the proportion of the characters along the Qin Dynasty is the main basis for judging the version attribution and the degree of revision, even those who belong to the same version system. Alien and Alien. Therefore, this article attempts to preserve the Qin characters with very high glyph features, such as Peking University's Han Bamboo "Cang Ji Pian" Jian 29 as an example, to discuss the relevant interpretation of the text interpretation and version research.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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