


A preliminary study of Chen Zong-Fu's LuFu - 'Cluster Allusions Antithesis' and Extremeity of the law


陳姿蓉(Chen, Tzu-Jung)


辭賦 ; 清代律賦 ; 駢化 ; 事類 ; 對仗 ; 用韻 ; Cifu ; LuFu in Ching Dynasty ; Parallel styles ; allusion ; distich ; Rhyme




21期(2019 / 12 / 01)


71 - 103






The purpose of this paper is to discuss the LuFu of Chen Zongfu (1864-1928), and to explore the core of the cluster and the generalization of the metrics. Clustering and pairing are important representations of the metrics, it is also an aspect of the strictness of the metrics, on the other hand, it highlights the new changes in rhyme: the limit rhyme word is used sequentially, and it is at the end of each paragraph. Parallel styles has become a common phenomenon since the early Qing Dynasty, the latter was created at the time of Qianlong, with the influence of the Official department, there is a tendency to become a norm, make the metrics of the LuFu to the extreme. But before Chen Zongfu, Individual authors, regardless of the quantity or proportion of the work, not too much, Chen's LuFu is the meets of this, in the nineteenth article, he meets eighteen, can be described as an example. This article is cut by Chen's works of the ‘Cluster Allusions Antithesis', investigate the situation of parallel styles, following this, we discuss the reasons for the LuFu's parallel styles of the Qing Dynasty, thereby deriving the extremes of the metrics, Chen's LuFu is the result of this new change, it is also manifested.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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