


Writing of Military Lives, Poet and Times-Discussion Based on the Text of "Home Countries, Wars, and Emotions-A Collection of the Award Winning Poems Throughout the Years in National Military Literature"


田運良(Tien, Yun-Liang)


軍旅詩 ; 軍旅書寫 ; 國軍文藝金像獎 ; Military poetry ; Writing of Military Lives ; the National Military Literary Awards




13期(2015 / 06 / 01)


81 - 140






Modern poetry creation theme pluralistic type of complex, contending potential good wins, described as bringing. The "Military Poems" which defines the term not yet be clearly defined, in general, have been engaged in almost military, with military status of creators call it the writing poetry. Since the definition of departure, and "Military Poems' similar speech such as" poetry army "," battle poem, "" revolutionary poetry, "etc., with its unique military colors. Military article text under discussion of poetry, is derived from the previous " the National Military Literary Awards " modern poetry class winners, participants of reason, " the National Military Literary Awards " is defined as active duty military officer, scholar, soldier Studies (member) and military academies and students, DoD civilian units, hiring personnel, servicemen of the main dependents (spouse) and still in the military pension for the bereaved families and other selected works of symbolism, but not limited to volunteer labor or compulsory military service or not, is not limited to the military rank, military services, service land. Now that define its identity as having specific qualifications or military dependents of military personnel, their poetry takes creation called "Military Poems." The National Military Literary Awards has limited eligibility to participate in, and participated in a segment Folk Literature Prize of different objects, but only to literature as the main appeal, features footage of literary awards, must construct their own theories and personality, but must have Literature for Care in military career, began to actively identify meaning and connotation of quality literature prize touted it, and the foundation and expectations to develop visibility and influence of this award, even History.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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