


The Study of the Comparison of the Vulgar Characters in Jin-Xiang's Guangyun and Ze-Cun Tang's Guangyun-with Analysis of the Influences on the Currently Most Used Standard Characters


戴光宇(Tai, Kuang-Yu)


巾箱本《廣韻》 ; 澤存堂本《廣韻》 ; 俗字 ; 《常用國字標準字體表》 ; 常用字 ; Jin-Xiang's Guangyun ; Ze-Cun Tang's Guangyun ; vulgar characters ; currently most used standard characters ; List of Graphemes of Commonly-used Standard Chinese Characters




13期(2015 / 06 / 01)


141 - 187






The "Jin-Xiang's Guangyun" (巾箱本廣韻) was published when was close to the "Guangyun" was written, so it should be regarded as a good edition. However, the "Ze-Cun Tang's Guangyun (澤存堂本廣韻) " is a more popular and influential edition in the academia. Are those vulgar characters from both editions of "Guangyun" the same? What are the characteristics if they are different from each other? How did the currently most used standard characters develop from those standard and vulgar characters in "Guangyun"? The above questions are discussed in this thesis. After comparing the characters, the researcher found there are 377 vulgar characters in the "Jin-Xiang's Guangyun", and 380 in the "Ze-Cun Tang's Guangyun". Analyzing 36 differences in vulgar characters between two editions, the researcher found 15 differences in standard characters corresponding to vulgar characters, and 18 differences in both standard and vulgar characters. The distinctions are the fixed differences, the same shapes used in standard and vulgar characters, and other errors. Comparing "Ze-Cun Tang's Guangyun" with the "List of Graphemes of Commonly-used Standard Chinese Characters"(常用國字標準字體表), we can find that 203 standard characters and 75 vulgar ones are similar to the currently most used standard characters. By observing the so-called "vulgar characters" from "Guangyun" in the footnote, there are only three, which means whether standard or vulgar characters were commonly used contemporarily, they were all in formal uses. This indicates that the currently most used Chinese characters have remained stable shapes, and both standard and vulgar characters are marked by vicissitudes during the past 1000 years.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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