


From Revenge Porn to Digital Sexual Violence: Formation and Changes of Vocabulary, Concept, and Cognitive Frame




余貞誼(Chen-Yi Yu)


未經同意散布性私密影像 ; 性暴力連續體 ; 框架 ; 復仇式色情 ; 數位性暴力 ; nonconsensual dissemination of intimate images ; continuum of sexual violence ; frame ; revenge porn ; digital sexual violence




44期(2023 / 12 / 01)


1 - 41






The act of maliciously spreading other people's intimate images was initially known as "revenge porn" in the Taiwanese society; it was later referred to as "nonconsensual dissemination of intimate images," followed by "digital sexual violence." Such changes in the naming of the phenomenon signify the changes in the connection between the concept involved and the cultural schema. This study analyzed news texts and public opinions from Dcard to examine how media narratives bring out different tones through the aspects they choose and emphasize to shape public opinions using the three mentioned frames. The results are expected to clarify how the politics of naming guide or dominate people's understanding of a phenomenon.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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