毛青樺。2008。蟹爪蘭X病毒與紅龍果X病毒之分子特性與偵測。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
呂有其。2007。仙人掌病毒X新分離株之特性分析與感染性選殖株之構築。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
李勇賜。2010。紅龍果X病毒之特性分析、感染性選植株構築與抗血清製備。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
余建美。2016。臺灣紅龍果產業發展現況。臺中區農業改良場特刊131: 1-12。
邱禮弘。2009。紅龍果有機栽培技術。有機農業產業發展研討會專輯 96: 133-139。
廖吉彥、張清安、顏昌瑞、陳昱初、鄧汀欽。2003。感染紅龍果之仙人掌病毒X之鑑定與分佈調查。植物病理學會刊12: 225-234。
張佑瑋。兩種仙人掌X病毒感染性選殖株之研究與紅龍果原生質體系統之建立。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
張林仁。2000。將仙人掌作為栽培作物。台中區農業改良場八十九年度試驗研究暨推廣學術研討會報告摘要特刊 49: 3-4。(摘要)
張雅玲。2016。紅龍果品種特性及栽培管理。苗栗區農業專訊 74: 9-10。
黃士晃。2013。優質紅龍果種苗繁殖生產技術。臺南區農業專訊 85: 1-5。
楊玉婷和劉依蓁。2014。臺灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會採訪紀實。植物種苗生技 37: 89-92。
蔡志濃、林筑蘋、安寶貞、鄧汀欽、廖吉彥、倪惠芳、楊宏仁。2013。紅龍果的重要病害及其防治(下)。農業試驗所技術服務 96: 4-7。
劉命如、洪建龍、劉瑞芬。2004。引起紅龍果斑駁病徵之Cactus virus X的鑑定與免疫檢測。植物病理學會刊13: 27-34。
Almeida, O. J. G., Paoli, A. A. S., Souza, L. A., and Cota-Sánchez, J.H. 2013. Seedling morphology and development in the epiphytic cactus Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. (Cactaceae: Hylocereeae). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 140: 196-214.
Asano, S., Hirayama, Y., and Matsushita, Y. 2017. Distribution of Tomato spotted wilt virus in dahlia plants. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 64: 297-303.
Boke, N. H. 1980. Developmental morphology and anatomy in Cactaceae. BioScience 30: 605-610.
Chang, K. H., Chang, L. T., Huang, Y. W., Lai, Y. C., Lee, C. W., Liao, J. T., Lin, N. S., Hsu, Y. H., and Hu, C. C. 2017. Transmission of Bamboo mosaic virus in Bamboos mediated by insect in the order Diptera. Front. Microbiol. 8: 870. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00870.
Hsu, HT. 2009. Development of enzyme linked, tissue blot and dot blot immunoassays for plant virus detection. Methods Mol. Biol. 508: 15-25.
Hull, R. 2009. Mechanical inoculation of plant viruses. Curr. Protoc. Microbiol. 16B.6.1-16B.6.4.
Ju, J., Bai, H., Zheng, Y., Zhao, T., Fang, R., and Jiang, L. 2012. A multi-structural and multi-functional integrated fog collection system in cactus. Nat. Commu. 3: 1247.
Just, K., Arif, U., Luik, A., and Kvarnheden, A. 2016. Monitoring infection of tomato fruit by Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. J. Plant Pathol. doi:10.1111/ppa.12596.
Khaimov, A., and Mizrahi, Y. 2012. Effects of day-length, radiation, flower thinning and growth regulators on flowering of the vine cacti Hylocereus undatus and Selenicereus megalanthus. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 81: 465-470.
Kliot, A., and Ghanim, M. 2016. Fluorescent in situ hybridization for the localization of viruses, bacteria, and other microorganism in insect and plant tissues. Methods 98: 74-81.
Kogovšek, P., Kladnik, A., Mlakar, J., Tušek Žnidarič, M., Dermastia, M., Ravnikar, M., and Pompe-Novak, M. 2011. Distribution of Potato virus Y in potato plant organs, tissues, and cells. Phytopathology 101: 1292-1300.
Le Bellec, F., Vaillant, F., and Eric, I. 2006. Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.): a new fruit crop, a market with a future. Fruits 61: 237-250.
Liou, M. R., Hung, C. L., and Liou, R. F. 2001. First report of Cactus virus X on Hylocereus undatus (Cactaceae) in Taiwan. Plant disease 85: 229.
Martelli, G. P., Adams, M. J., Kreuze, J. F., and Dolja, V. V. 2007. Family Flexiviridae: A case study in virion and genome plasticity. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 45: 73-100.
Martin, S. 2003. A review of Hylocereus Production in the United States. J. PACD 5: 98-105.
Mizrahi, Y. 2014. Vine-cacti pitayas-The new crops of the world. Rev. Bras. Frutic. 36: 124-138.
Mochizuki, T., and Ohki, S. T. 2015. Detection of plant virus in meristem by immunochemistry and in situ hybridization. Methods Mol. Biol. 1236: 275-287.
Peng, C., Yu, N. T., Luo, W. Z., Fan, H. Y., He, F., Li, X. H., and Zhang, Z. L. 2016. Molecular identification of Cactus virus X infecting Hylocereus polyrhizus (Cactaceae) in Hainan island, China. Plant Disease 100: 1965.
Santovito, E., Mascia, T., Siddiqui, S. A., Minutillo, S. A., Valkonen, J. P. T., and Gallitelli, D. 2014. Infection cycle of Artichoke Italian latent virus in tobacco plants: Meristem invasion and recovery from disease symptoms. PLoS One 9:e99446. 10.1371/journal.pone.0099446.
Sauer, M., and Friml, J. 2010. Immunolocalization of proteins in plants. Methods Mol. Biol. 655: 253-263.
Shargil, D., Zemach, H., Belausov, E., Lachman, O., and Kamenetsky, R. 2015. Development of a fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique for visualizing CGMMV in plant tissues. J. Virol. Methods 223: 55-60.
Soukup, A., and Tylová, E. 2014. Essential methods of plant sample preparation for light microscopy. Methods Mol. Biol. 1080: 1-23.
Valencia-Botín, A. J., Kokubu, H.,and Ortiz-Hernández , Y. D. 2013. A brief overview on pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) diseases. Australasian Plant Pathol. 42: 437-440.
毛青樺。2008。蟹爪蘭X病毒與紅龍果X病毒之分子特性與偵測。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
呂有其。2007。仙人掌病毒X新分離株之特性分析與感染性選殖株之構築。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
李勇賜。2010。紅龍果X病毒之特性分析、感染性選植株構築與抗血清製備。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
余建美。2016。臺灣紅龍果產業發展現況。臺中區農業改良場特刊131: 1-12。
邱禮弘。2009。紅龍果有機栽培技術。有機農業產業發展研討會專輯 96: 133-139。
廖吉彥、張清安、顏昌瑞、陳昱初、鄧汀欽。2003。感染紅龍果之仙人掌病毒X之鑑定與分佈調查。植物病理學會刊12: 225-234。
張佑瑋。兩種仙人掌X病毒感染性選殖株之研究與紅龍果原生質體系統之建立。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
張林仁。2000。將仙人掌作為栽培作物。台中區農業改良場八十九年度試驗研究暨推廣學術研討會報告摘要特刊 49: 3-4。(摘要)
張雅玲。2016。紅龍果品種特性及栽培管理。苗栗區農業專訊 74: 9-10。
黃士晃。2013。優質紅龍果種苗繁殖生產技術。臺南區農業專訊 85: 1-5。
楊玉婷和劉依蓁。2014。臺灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會採訪紀實。植物種苗生技 37: 89-92。
蔡志濃、林筑蘋、安寶貞、鄧汀欽、廖吉彥、倪惠芳、楊宏仁。2013。紅龍果的重要病害及其防治(下)。農業試驗所技術服務 96: 4-7。
劉命如、洪建龍、劉瑞芬。2004。引起紅龍果斑駁病徵之Cactus virus X的鑑定與免疫檢測。植物病理學會刊13: 27-34。
Almeida, O. J. G., Paoli, A. A. S., Souza, L. A., and Cota-Sánchez, J.H. 2013. Seedling morphology and development in the epiphytic cactus Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. (Cactaceae: Hylocereeae). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 140: 196-214.
Asano, S., Hirayama, Y., and Matsushita, Y. 2017. Distribution of Tomato spotted wilt virus in dahlia plants. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 64: 297-303.
Boke, N. H. 1980. Developmental morphology and anatomy in Cactaceae. BioScience 30: 605-610.
Chang, K. H., Chang, L. T., Huang, Y. W., Lai, Y. C., Lee, C. W., Liao, J. T., Lin, N. S., Hsu, Y. H., and Hu, C. C. 2017. Transmission of Bamboo mosaic virus in Bamboos mediated by insect in the order Diptera. Front. Microbiol. 8: 870. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00870.
Hsu, HT. 2009. Development of enzyme linked, tissue blot and dot blot immunoassays for plant virus detection. Methods Mol. Biol. 508: 15-25.
Hull, R. 2009. Mechanical inoculation of plant viruses. Curr. Protoc. Microbiol. 16B.6.1-16B.6.4.
Ju, J., Bai, H., Zheng, Y., Zhao, T., Fang, R., and Jiang, L. 2012. A multi-structural and multi-functional integrated fog collection system in cactus. Nat. Commu. 3: 1247.
Just, K., Arif, U., Luik, A., and Kvarnheden, A. 2016. Monitoring infection of tomato fruit by Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. J. Plant Pathol. doi:10.1111/ppa.12596.
Khaimov, A., and Mizrahi, Y. 2012. Effects of day-length, radiation, flower thinning and growth regulators on flowering of the vine cacti Hylocereus undatus and Selenicereus megalanthus. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 81: 465-470.
Kliot, A., and Ghanim, M. 2016. Fluorescent in situ hybridization for the localization of viruses, bacteria, and other microorganism in insect and plant tissues. Methods 98: 74-81.
Kogovšek, P., Kladnik, A., Mlakar, J., Tušek Žnidarič, M., Dermastia, M., Ravnikar, M., and Pompe-Novak, M. 2011. Distribution of Potato virus Y in potato plant organs, tissues, and cells. Phytopathology 101: 1292-1300.
Le Bellec, F., Vaillant, F., and Eric, I. 2006. Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.): a new fruit crop, a market with a future. Fruits 61: 237-250.
Liou, M. R., Hung, C. L., and Liou, R. F. 2001. First report of Cactus virus X on Hylocereus undatus (Cactaceae) in Taiwan. Plant disease 85: 229.
Martelli, G. P., Adams, M. J., Kreuze, J. F., and Dolja, V. V. 2007. Family Flexiviridae: A case study in virion and genome plasticity. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 45: 73-100.
Martin, S. 2003. A review of Hylocereus Production in the United States. J. PACD 5: 98-105.
Mizrahi, Y. 2014. Vine-cacti pitayas-The new crops of the world. Rev. Bras. Frutic. 36: 124-138.
Mochizuki, T., and Ohki, S. T. 2015. Detection of plant virus in meristem by immunochemistry and in situ hybridization. Methods Mol. Biol. 1236: 275-287.
Peng, C., Yu, N. T., Luo, W. Z., Fan, H. Y., He, F., Li, X. H., and Zhang, Z. L. 2016. Molecular identification of Cactus virus X infecting Hylocereus polyrhizus (Cactaceae) in Hainan island, China. Plant Disease 100: 1965.
Santovito, E., Mascia, T., Siddiqui, S. A., Minutillo, S. A., Valkonen, J. P. T., and Gallitelli, D. 2014. Infection cycle of Artichoke Italian latent virus in tobacco plants: Meristem invasion and recovery from disease symptoms. PLoS One 9:e99446. 10.1371/journal.pone.0099446.
Sauer, M., and Friml, J. 2010. Immunolocalization of proteins in plants. Methods Mol. Biol. 655: 253-263.
Shargil, D., Zemach, H., Belausov, E., Lachman, O., and Kamenetsky, R. 2015. Development of a fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique for visualizing CGMMV in plant tissues. J. Virol. Methods 223: 55-60.
Soukup, A., and Tylová, E. 2014. Essential methods of plant sample preparation for light microscopy. Methods Mol. Biol. 1080: 1-23.
Valencia-Botín, A. J., Kokubu, H.,and Ortiz-Hernández , Y. D. 2013. A brief overview on pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) diseases. Australasian Plant Pathol. 42: 437-440.
邱禮弘和徐敏記。2012。紅龍果。臺灣中部地區外銷作物產業專集 112: 45-54。
郭庭禕。2015。紅龍果potexviruses病毒快速檢測方法與磁性奈米粒子療法之開發及應用。國立台灣大學植物醫學碩士學位學程 碩士論文。
張雅君、毛青樺、呂有其、李永賜。2015。紅龍果病毒病的研究現況。臺灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會專刊187: 93-99。
劉命如。2000。紅龍果嵌紋病毒生物特性及全長度核酸序列之研究。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
劉碧鵑。2010。台灣紅龍果的栽培。農業試驗所特刊 144: 1-32。
劉碧鵑和留欽培。2015。台灣紅龍果品種選育現況與未來展望。台灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會專刊 農業試驗所特刊189: 29-43。
Adams, M. J., Candresse, T., Hammond, J., Kreuze, J. F., Martelli, G. P., Mamba, S., Pearson, M. N., Ryu, K. H., and Vaira, A. M. 2011. Family Alphaflexiviridae. In: King, A.M.Q., Adams, M. J., Carstens, E. B., and Lefkowitz, E. J. (eds). Virus taxonomy. Classification and nomenclature of viruses. Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Waltham (USA). Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-384684-6. pp. 904-919.
Chen, M., and Tzeng, D. D. 1996. Identification of Cactus X Potexvirus in Taiwan and localization of its existence and multiplication in infected cells. Plant Pathol. Bull. 5: 63-67.
Duarte, L. M. L., Alexandre, M. A. V., Rivas, E. B., Harakava, R., Galleti, S. R., and Barradas, M. M. 2008. Potexvirus diversity in cactaceae from São Paulo state in Brazil. J. Plant Pathol. 90: 545. (Abstract)
Jiang, Y. L., Liao, Y. Y., Lin, T. S., Yen, C. R., Yang, W. J. 2012. The photoperiod-regulated bud formation of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.). HortScience 47: 1063-1067.
Jiang, Y. L., Liao, Y. Y., Lin, M. T., and Yang, W. J. 2016. Bud development in response to night-breaking treatment in the noninductive period in red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.). HortScience 51: 690-696.
Natsuaki, K. T., and Shinkai, M. 2001. Characterization of Cactus virus X isolated from Hylocereus undatus and Selenicereus megalanthus showing mosaic symptom. J. Agri. Sci.-Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku 45 (Abstract)
Ortiz-Hernández , Y. D., and Carrillo-Salazar, J. A. 2012. Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.): a short review. Comunicata Scientiae 3: 220-237.
Steelink, C., Yeung, M., and Caldwell, R. L. 1967. Phenolic constituents of healthy and wound tissues in the giant cactus (Carnegiea gigantea). Phytochemistry 6:1435-1440.Verchot-Lubicz, J., Ye, C. M., and Bamunusinghe, D. 2007. Molecular biology of potexviruses: recent advances. J. Gen. Virol. 88: 1643-1655.
邱禮弘和徐敏記。2012。紅龍果。臺灣中部地區外銷作物產業專集 112: 45-54。
郭庭禕。2015。紅龍果potexviruses病毒快速檢測方法與磁性奈米粒子療法之開發及應用。國立台灣大學植物醫學碩士學位學程 碩士論文。
張雅君、毛青樺、呂有其、李永賜。2015。紅龍果病毒病的研究現況。臺灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會專刊187: 93-99。
劉命如。2000。紅龍果嵌紋病毒生物特性及全長度核酸序列之研究。國立台灣大學植物病理與微生物學研究所 碩士論文。
劉碧鵑。2010。台灣紅龍果的栽培。農業試驗所特刊 144: 1-32。
劉碧鵑和留欽培。2015。台灣紅龍果品種選育現況與未來展望。台灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會專刊 農業試驗所特刊189: 29-43。
Adams, M. J., Candresse, T., Hammond, J., Kreuze, J. F., Martelli, G. P., Mamba, S., Pearson, M. N., Ryu, K. H., and Vaira, A. M. 2011. Family Alphaflexiviridae. In: King, A.M.Q., Adams, M. J., Carstens, E. B., and Lefkowitz, E. J. (eds). Virus taxonomy. Classification and nomenclature of viruses. Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Waltham (USA). Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-384684-6. pp. 904-919.
Chen, M., and Tzeng, D. D. 1996. Identification of Cactus X Potexvirus in Taiwan and localization of its existence and multiplication in infected cells. Plant Pathol. Bull. 5: 63-67.
Duarte, L. M. L., Alexandre, M. A. V., Rivas, E. B., Harakava, R., Galleti, S. R., and Barradas, M. M. 2008. Potexvirus diversity in cactaceae from São Paulo state in Brazil. J. Plant Pathol. 90: 545. (Abstract)
Jiang, Y. L., Liao, Y. Y., Lin, T. S., Yen, C. R., Yang, W. J. 2012. The photoperiod-regulated bud formation of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.). HortScience 47: 1063-1067.
Jiang, Y. L., Liao, Y. Y., Lin, M. T., and Yang, W. J. 2016. Bud development in response to night-breaking treatment in the noninductive period in red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.). HortScience 51: 690-696.
Natsuaki, K. T., and Shinkai, M. 2001. Characterization of Cactus virus X isolated from Hylocereus undatus and Selenicereus megalanthus showing mosaic symptom. J. Agri. Sci.-Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku 45 (Abstract)
Ortiz-Hernández , Y. D., and Carrillo-Salazar, J. A. 2012. Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.): a short review. Comunicata Scientiae 3: 220-237.
Steelink, C., Yeung, M., and Caldwell, R. L. 1967. Phenolic constituents of healthy and wound tissues in the giant cactus (Carnegiea gigantea). Phytochemistry 6:1435-1440.Verchot-Lubicz, J., Ye, C. M., and Bamunusinghe, D. 2007. Molecular biology of potexviruses: recent advances. J. Gen. Virol. 88: 1643-1655.