Digital video technology has played an important role in our daily life. With the evolution of the display technologies, display systems can provide higher visual quality to enrich human life. Immersive 3D displays provide better visual experience than conventional 2D displays. 3D technology enriches the contents of many applications, such as broadcasting, movie, gaming, photographing, camcorder, education, etc. However, in the case of stereoscopic display is quite mature and image is quite realistic, the user will want to interact with three dimensional virtual objects, such as slapping, sliding, throwing….
In this thesis, we proposed “virtual touch” interaction by using stereo camera. Common interactive way is that user can do some hand gesture or body gesture in front of TV or other devices, and then the system recognizes the gesture and some reaction which is corresponded to this gesture will be appeared. This kind of research is already quite mature, and its function more likes the remote control. Nowadays, in the case of stereoscopic display is quite mature and image is quite realistic, the user will want to interact with three dimensional virtual objects, the so-called "virtual touch" is such as slapping, sliding, throwing…. We proposed a 3D interactive user interface by stereo camera which can detect the user's hand and body's location. When the position of user’s hand and position of virtual object are consistent, then the system considers that the user achieve the “virtual touch”, and then the system will recognize the user’s operation, and therefore give the user a so-called "virtual touch" interaction. The 3D interactive user interface by stereo camera is discussed in two different parts: distance estimation by calibration-free captures and 3D hand localization by using belief propagation.
The distance estimation by calibration-free captures is the first step of 3D interactive user interface. The main concept is that treats that user as an object, and from the left capture and right capture from stereo camera, calculates the disparity of the user. Finally, the user’s distance can be estimated by disparity of the user.
3D hand localization by using belief propagation is another part of interactive 3D user interface. When we only have the user’s distance from system, we can just do some simple interaction with system. Because of hand gesture is one of the most intuitive and nature ways for people to communicate with machines, so system have to get the user’s hand 3D localization, and thus the user can do more complex control or interaction with system. We use only depth and color information to get the hand’s 3D localization and do some simple gesture recognition to judge the reaction.
We also proposed 3-stage architecture for hardware design, and the implementation result shows that the architecture can achieve real-time interaction of input Fll-HD1080p@30fps stereo images when operating at 200MHz.
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