


A Study on the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Style of General Managers and Effectiveness of the Farmers’ Associations- An Example of Keelung City Farmers’ Association






農會總幹事 ; 領導風格 ; 組織績效 ; 轉換型領導 ; 平衡計分卡 ; general manager ; leadership style ; organizational performance ; transformational leadership ; Balanced Scorecard












全球農業環境持續地變遷,負有發展農村經濟、改善農民生活任務的農會,應當思考如何改變舊有的思維、改進營運模式以及農會組織的定位。而做為農會經營總領導人的總幹事,亦當思考如何採用有效的領導方式,以提升農會的經營績效,並確保農會能在越趨競爭的時代中,維持優勢並確保農會的永續經營。本研究探究基隆市農會員工所認知總幹事的轉換型領導行為,與農會在各個面項的經營績效有何種相關性;並探究在不同人口統計變項下的基隆市農會員工,對於農會總幹事轉換型領導風格及組織績效的認知有何差別。 本研究以問卷調查法為資料收集方法,調查基隆市農會全體50名員工對於總幹事轉換型領導風格以及農會組織績效之認知情形;並使用IBM SPSS Statistics version 20套裝軟體作為實證資料之分析工具。以基隆市農會員工之性別、婚姻狀況、服務部門、服務年資及教育程度為變項,探究不同人口統計變數下,基隆市農會員工對於總幹事轉換型領導風格及組織績效的看法有否不同。另外,以積差相關分析及多元迴歸分析,探究基隆市農會總幹事各種轉換型領導行為與各層面組織績效表現之間的相關性。 本研究獲致結論如下:1.在智識啟發及個別關懷構面上,男性員工給予總幹事的評分高於女性員工;在理想化影響構面上,女性員工給予總幹事的分數則高於男性員工。2.在轉換型領導風格四個構面的認知上,未婚員工對總幹事轉換型領導風格的認知分數皆高於已婚員工。3.在轉換型領導風格四個構面的認知上,以推廣部員工對於總幹事的領導風格評價最高;會計部、信用部及會務部則分別在理想化影響、智識啟發及引起動機等構面評價最低。4.在轉換型領導風格四個構面的認知上,年資低於5年的員工給予總幹事的分數皆高於年資15年以上之員工。5.女性員工對基隆市農會在財務方面經營績效的認知分數高過男性員工的認知分數;而男性員工在內部流程及學習成長二個構面,所認知之經營績效分數高過於女性員工的認知分數。6.未婚員工在財務、顧客、內部流程及學習成長等四個構面所認知之平均分數皆高於已婚者。7.推廣部在經營績效的四個構面上,給予的分數皆為最高;信用部在財務及顧客構面上,給予的分數最低;會務部則在內部流程及學習成長構面上,給予的分數最低。8.年資在5年以下之新進員工在農會經營績效的四個構面之認知分數,皆高於年資在15年以上之資深員工。9.農會經營績效的四個構面與轉換型領導風格四個構面間,皆存在顯著的正相關。10.在迴歸模型中可以發現與智識啟發及個別關懷相關的領導者行為,對於農會各個層面的績效表現有最主要且正向的影響。 本研究在農會的組織管理上具有以下之意涵,農會總幹事的領導風格越接近轉換型領導風格,越容易提升農會在財務上的績效表現、增進顧客對農會服務的滿意程度、提升農會內部工作流程的順暢、及增進員工的工作滿意程度。


As the globally agricultural environment has been changing continuously, the farmers’ association accounting for developing rural economy, and improving farmers’ living standards, has to deliberate about the problems, such as how to change its traditional perspectives, how to advance its operation model, and where to position itself on the markets. Being a CEO of the farmers’ association, the general manager should consider some issues: how to adapt effective leadership behaviors to boost the performance of his or her organization and how to ensure the farmers’ association to keep its advantages and sustainable operation in this competitive world. Firstly, this study explores the relationships between the general manager’s transformational leadership and the performance of farmers’ association. Secondly, based on all sorts of demographic variables, it also aims to learn the relationships between the transformational leadership behaviors and the organizational effectiveness. This study employed a survey to gain an understanding of the perceptions of the transformational leadership style and the organizational performance from Keelung City Farmers’ Association’s staff. IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 software was adopted to analyze the empirical data. The variables were the participants' sex, marital status, working department, year of service, and educational background. Some statistical analysis was conducted to find out the perceptional differences between the transformational leadership behaviors and the organizational performance. Product-moment correlation and multiple regressions were also applied to analyze the relationships between the general leadership behaviors and the farmers’ association’s performance in every perspective. The results of this study are expressed as follows: 1. The male staff members had higher scores than female staff members did in the perception of intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration; while the female staff members had higher scores than male staff members did in the perception of idealized influence. 2. Unmarried staff had higher scores than married staff did in the perception of all four perspectives of transformational leadership. 3. Extension Department staff had the highest scores on the perception of all four perspectives of transformational leadership. Staff in Account Department, Credit Department and General Affairs Department had the lowest scores on the perception of idealized influence, intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation respectively. 4. The staff members with less than 5-year service experience had higher scores on the perception of all four perspectives of transformational leadership than those with over 15-year service experience did. 5. The female staff members had higher scores than male staff members did in the perception of financial perspective; while the male staff members had higher scores than female staff members did in the perception of internal business process and learning and growth. 6. Unmarried staff had higher scores than married staff did on the perception of all four perspectives of organizational performance. 7. Extension Department staff had the highest scores on the perception of all four perspectives. Credit Department staff had the lowest scores on the perception of financial perspective and customer perspective. General Affairs Department staff had the lowest scores on the perception of internal business process and learning and growth. 8. The staff with less than 5-year service experience had higher scores than those with over 15-year service experience did on the perception of all four perspectives of organizational performance. 9. There were significantly positive correlations among the four perspectives of farmer’s association’s performance and the four perspectives of transformational leadership. 10. In regression model, we could find that the leader’s behaviors in intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration have the most crucial and positive influences on all levels of performance in Farmers’ Association. The main purpose of this study in farmer’s association’s organization management is that the closer the general manager’s leadership style belongs to transformational style, the easier the farmer’s association can boost its financial performance, increase customer’s satisfaction in its service, enhance fluency of internal process, and also increase employee’s job satisfaction.

主题分类 生物資源暨農學院 > 農業經濟學系
生物農學 > 農業
社會科學 > 經濟學
  1. 吳玉仁(2016)。土地整體開發對都市地區農民及農會之影響-以新莊區為例。國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系學位論文。2016。1-102。