With the advance of medicine and perceived improvement of the value of medical care, the healthcare market expands, and institutions can achieve growth through improvement of the service quality. As healthcare quality management and marketing strategies might complement each other, institutes might need to enhance market-oriented with perceived customer needs and the use of marketing concepts. Despite the previous controversy, service marketing might be important for health care industry which contributes substantially to the national gross domestic production. Marketing theory applied to the quality of care will be an important aspect of medical quality management and research.
This scope of this study was the quality management-related activities of a public hospital in Taiwan. After the understanding, the content of all relevant quality management activities, the contents of the survey on customer satisfaction of the hospital is classified into the service marketing categories. We wished to find the appropriate link between the three dimensions of service marketing and the service marketing, and sort out the role and possible contribution of service marketing in medical service.
We found the quality management of the hospital included many activities. Overall these activities covered all aspects of service marketing. We applied a matrix to score each survey (totally 240 points) to find the most relevant activities (at least 80). The most relevant activities included participation in government provided measures (160 points), incident reporting system (144), participate in hospital quality performance measurement system (128), patient satisfaction survey (108), complaint management (104), Patient Safety Week activities (96), quality & safety training course (96), patient safety audit by authorities (88), patient safety proposal contest by authorities (81), and satisfaction survey driven improvement program (80). The content of the satisfaction questionnaire for the outpatient service, inpatient area, the emergency department, the intensive care unit and the laboratory department were analyzed. We found the coverage of service marketing of the individual questionnaire varied, with the highest of ICU (77%), and the lowest of the outpatient questionnaires (45%). The five satisfaction surveys together can include the whole characteristics of SERVQUAL, most for internal marketing. The intensive care units and the laboratory department had the widest coverage of SERVQUAL characteristics, and these two areas also had the most support by the quality management activities. As a result, it is most likely that the gap between the perceived and expected service quality can be minizied. We believe this was because that these service areas emphasized all three dimensions of service marketing.
We have the following conclusions: First, service marketing in public hospitals plays an important role. Second, the healthcare quality management has included some elements of service marketing, but still need to strengthen their use further. Third, the quality of healthcare can be measured by the point of view of service marketing, which can serve as a valuable guide. Fourth, the healthcare can learn from other industries to apply service marketing concepts. Fifth, implementation of service marketing remains challenging. We provide the following recommendations: First, service marketing has a positive significance for the health care and should be seriously understood for applying into healthcare management and quality improvement. Second, institutional leadership and executives should actively understand the concepts of service marketing to improve service delivery in the future and provide quality medical services. Third, the medical staff should understand the importance of service marketing, customer expectations and the actual needs of customers to experience the quality of service. Fourth, the public and patients and their families should be more aware of the nature of medical services that individuals or families may express their needs and expectations so that medical institutions to understand to create a better medical service environment.
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