The drug expenditure in Taiwan has always been a significant part of the total medical costs, and the drug expenditure percentage of the total medical expenses is higher than the other countries. With such large drug usage, medication problems are derived, such as drug interactions and therapeutic duplications, etc… Besides, these problems have a close relationship with polypharmacy. The so-called polypharmacy refers to taking multiple types of drug simultaneously, or overuse drugs more than the required ones. This thesis will utilize the information provided by the health check-up database to explore the status and the related factors of polypharmacy in Taiwan.
This study will use the health check-up reports and questionnaire data of MJ
(1) to understand the prevalence of polypharmacy in adults (2) besides the common factors, gender and age, to confirm the relationship between factors as education level, region, unhealthy habits, biochemical test, and the result, polypharmacy (3) to explore the similarity and difference of drug usage combination among people in different age groups with polypharmacy by clustering and sorting algorithms.
Materials and Methods
The health check-up database provided by MJ is in Taiwan from 2000 to 2006. It can be divided into two parts: questionnaire data and health check-up reports. About the research methods, in addition to the traditional statistical charts, generalized association plot(GAP) is applied to explore the similarity and difference between the subject's drug combination. As for inferential statistics, the multinomial logistic regression and binary logistic regression are the methods for model building.
According to the logistic regression analysis, it is found that female subjects, subjects without college degree, and subjects having meals irregularly are higher risk groups for polypharmacy. In addition, the polypharmacy odds for patients taking medicine of heart disease and hyperlipidemia is 10 times higher than that do not. Furthermore, the relationship between Chinese medicine usage and polypharmacy is negative.
In the polypharmacy subjects of all age groups, drug clustering analysis shows that in 20-44- years- old and 45-64-year-old subjects with polypharmacy, a group of mostly female clusters who prefer to take sleeping pills, Chinese medicine, analgesic and gastrointestinal drugs were summarized separately. In contrast, in the male majority drug cluster, the preference for taking antihypertensive, hypolipidemic and antidiabetic agents is high. As for subjects over the age of 65, sleeping pills and Chinese medicine users as well as analgesic users form two obvious drug clusters.
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