The highly competitive banking industry and the worldwide ultra-low interest rates reduce the importance of interest income but increase that of fee income for banks in Taiwan. Investors are eager for investments with yields higher than deposits, such as mutual funds and investment-linked insurances, which are the main sources of banks’ fee income. Therefore, fee income has become an important business that every bank would like to develop. However, while making profits from the fee-income business, banks should not ignore its high volatility. By analyzing the impact of external events on the fee income of 43 Taiwanese banks between 2005 to 2016, this thesis aims to raise the awareness of banks and the authority that the fee income can fluctuate significantly and its risk should be carefully managed.
The empirical results in this thesis reveal that external events do affect bank’s fee income, and the fluctuation is usually driven by the demand side. Particularly, when risk-off events break out, investors avoid risky investment, leading to an overall decrease in banks’ fee income. By contrast, when positive events occur, such as a loosening of regulation, banks’ fee income increases substantially. Last but not least, the results based on a six-month window are much more significant than those based on a three-month window, which implies that the effects of most events on banks’ fee income emerge gradually as time passes. As a result, when the events happen, banks can expect the fluctuation of fee income and be prepared earlier.
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