運動休閒產業在二十一世紀已成為全球關注之重要產業之一,甚至能夠影響國家整體局勢的發展。相對於中國內銷市場的蓬勃發展, 因全球政局不穩定、景氣低迷, 對於以中國為主要生產基地, 出口外銷的製造廠商來說, 無疑是景氣寒冬,此外受到內地人口老齡化、勞動成本的提升, 過去擁有的優勢不在, 未來能否利用中國在地的優勢與現有客戶結合, 創造在中國市場雙贏的機會 ?
因此, 本研究將針對中國運動休閒產業之特性、以鑽石模型理論分析未來發展規劃與趨勢、找出產業競爭力並制定戰略布局; 再透過六力分析與價值網(value net) 模型, 剖析中國運動休閒產業的市場供應鏈, 檢討運動休閒產業如何在中國發展。
最後發現在中國深耕經營的聯欣運動器材有限公司 - 深深符合以鑽石模型理論與六力分析來擬定其適切的發展策略與事業規劃。
綜上所述, 聯欣公司的成長策略方案, 包括: 1.) 利用邊緣優勢策略以拓展自身相關業務;2.) 以研發策略聯盟推動產業升級;3) 知識工廠的建立;4) 行銷通路的變革(品牌代理);5)自我品牌的建立, 透過5項策略方案來達到逐步成長的方向;在事業規劃上, 除依據個別業務屬性(區分OEM/ODM客戶)的不同, 加強自身技術與品質控管、強化創新研發能量外, 並探尋B2C (business to customer) 與M2C(Manufacturers to Consumer) 的轉型契機, 或透過與競爭對手策略聯盟, 利用中國新經濟轉型的機會, 走出不同以往的經營模式。
Through a secondary listing failures & a big fire on April 1st , 2010 ( Fool's day )
Factory burned down , while our big customer requested to share our company's core process & patent with our competitors in China. Our ten years hardness was totally de-stroyed. Three years ago, I came to National Taiwan University’s EMBA to find my last possible redemption.
Sports and leisure industries in 21st century has become a global concerne, one of the most important industries, even affect the overall situation in the development of the country. Relative to the development of the Chinese domestic market, due to political instability in the world, economic downturn, for export manufacturers using China as the main production base, is undoubtedly the economic winter, in addition by the Main-land population ageing, Labor cost increase, the past advantage has gone, In future, we’ll see if China can use local advantage in conjunction with existing customers to create win-win opportunities in the Chinese market ?
Therefore, this study will be on China's sports and leisure industry characteristics, using diamond theory to analyze future development plans and trends, identify the industrial competitiveness and to develop strategy and then through Six analysis Value Net Model to do supply chain analysis of China's sports industry market, review how sports and leisure industry development in China. Finally find that Triple Power Sports Products Inc. who is deep plowing in China's sports industry – match the Diamond model theory & Six analysis to determine its proper development strategy & business plan.
To sum up, Triple Power's growth strategy, including : 1.) using edge superiority strategies to expand the business; 2.) To develop a strategic alliance to promote indus-trial upgrading; 3) The establishment of the knowledge factory;4) transformation of marketing ( brand agent ); 5) self-brand established, through 5 strategies to achieve the development direction ; In career planning, based on the difference of individual busi-ness properties ( Distinguish OEM/ODM customers ), strengthen its technology and quality control, strengthening innovation in developing energy, and B2C (business to customer) and M2C (Manufacturers to Consumer) Opportunities for transformation, or through strategic alliances with competitors, using new opportunities of economic re-structuring in China, to create different business models.
9. 價值網絡(Value Net Analysis )模型/ Brandenburger& Nalebuff (1996)
2. Meek, A. (1997). An estimate of the size and supported economic activity of the sports industry in the United States. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 6(4), 15–21.
3. Pitts, B.G., Fielding, L.W., & Miller, L.K. (1994). Industry segmentation theory
Marketing Quarterly, 3(1), 15-24.
1. ANALYSYS易觀智庫網
2. 中國國家統計局 年季度公報
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5. 六力分析模型/Andrew Grove (1996)
6. 台灣外經貿協會
2015.8出版【大陸運動休閒產品 市場商機】
深探全球體育用品五大趨勢縱橫未來 專題報導
7. 企業生命週期/Ichak Adizes (1989)
8. 法商迪卡儂公司 第一屆合作伙伴大會報告
1. Ichak Adizes. Enterprise Life Cycle [M].Beijing:Huaxia Press, 2004 (In Chinese)
and the sport industry: Developing a sport industry segment model. Sport