


The Process of Resilience Among People Experienced Parents's Divorce in Childhood






復原力 ; 兒少時期 ; 父母離異 ; 單親家庭 ; 困境 ; resilience ; adolescence ; divorce ; single parent family ; adversity












為數不少的研究或是我國的社會價值觀常將單親家庭子女視為「不良的」,無論是在課業、行為舉止亦或是人際交友上皆存在著如此的刻板印象。陳若喬、鄭麗珍(2003)曾以「破繭而出—青少年時期經歷父母離異之大學生生活歷程的優勢經驗」一研究,打破社會上對於單親家庭子女課業表現不佳的既定印象,而本研究則是期望透過更多不同的面向探究父母離異的單親家庭子女展現復原力的方式與意義,不僅限於輝煌的學業成就。 本研究目的如下: 一、探討兒少時期曾經歷父母離異且自認目前適應狀況良好者的成長經驗,以及在成長過程中面臨了哪些困境? 二、瞭解這些在兒少時期歷經父母離異的人,在其成長過程中用以因應困境的復原力展現歷程。 三、探討經歷父母離異衝擊後,復原力展現經驗對其目前生活狀況的意義。 根據研究目的,研究參與者回溯其在單親家庭的成長歷程以及遭遇的困境,研究者再經由所蒐集到的資料進行分析與歸納,藉以呈現參與者的生命歷程,以及他們是何以度過曾經艱辛且困難的兒少成長時期。 本研究採質性研究的深度訪談法,經由網路募得三位研究參與者以及透過友人介紹募得一位參與者,共計四位參與者參與本研究。研究參與者皆於兒少時期歷經父母離異,其中僅有一位參與者對父母離異有印象,其餘三位雖對父母離異沒有記憶,但對生活於單親家庭是有感知的,而四位參與者也都認同復原力展現之於他們現今的生活是有意義的。 研究發現,參與者在兒少時期可能經歷了父母再婚、家庭暴力、被迫屢次搬遷、無法向同儕或身邊的人言說家庭帶來的煩惱、無法與他人建立穩定的人際關係與親密關係,以及對自身家庭背景感到失落等問題。然而研究卻也發現,參與者在經歷與調適的過程中,個人特質與能力是協助他們的一大重要資源,即便對於家庭的失落仍在,但成年後多以不同的角度看待父母離異;親子關係的緊密程度也與他們適應單親家庭生活息息相關,而父母離異也是他們重新學習人際關係與親密關係的契機;家庭外方面的資源:如學校教師及同儕、朋友也協助了參與者渡過父母離異帶來的不適應。研究參與者雖於兒少時期歷經了種種困境,但藉由個人、家庭及家庭外三大資源協助,展現了他們自覺適應的良好結果,復原或許一條沒有盡頭的路,但他們仍堅毅地走在這條路上。 最後,本研究以父母的角度、子女的角度、教師及專業人員以及社會的角度提出「離婚單親家庭及其子女」所需的服務提出建議。


Too often children raised by single parent are labeled as “damaged goods”; this stereotype extends to every aspect of their lives, including school performances, behaviors, and their relationships. In the paper titled “Experiencing Parental Divorce during Adolescence Period-From a Strength Perspective,” the authors made great efforts squashing that stereotype, as they found children growing up in single-parent families did not perform poorly academically. This study also wants to examine the experiences of children growing up in single-parent families, and had an emphasis on their resilience, not only from the aspect of academic performance, but in all other aspects of their lives. The aim of this study included: 1. To investigate the live experience of children who have undergone parental divorce during adolescence, and regarded themselves as adapting well now. 2. To examine how the people demonstrated resilience as they grew up in single-parent families. 3. To explore the role of resilience played in their lives. Methodologically, this study approached potential participants through the help of Internet and friends. A total of 5 participants were interviewed, but only information of 4 was analyzed, because one though that parental divorce was not a risk to her, so there was no need to talk about resilience. Each one of them has gone through parents’ divorce, with only one of them remembering what happened during their divorce. However, all agreed that parent divorce had an impact on their lives, and thought that resilience played an indispensable role in their lives. Data were recorded with the agreement from the participants, and they were analyzed using logical inductions to demonstrate life experiences of four participants and how resilience played a role to help them overcame the hardships. It is found that participants did have experienced in re-marriage of their parents, domestic violence, countless relocation, having hard times sharing their problems or connecting with people or feeling self-conscious about their own family backgrounds. However, those hardships did not beat them up; instead, it made them be stronger and tougher. Even though they were once disappointed with their family experiences, they decided to look at parental divorce from a different perspective. They were not only able to build up a better relationship with their families, they were also more devoted to maintaining other personal relationships. Outside their families, they also received a great deal of support from others, including other family members, school teachers, classmates, and friends. Despite all the impediments, they all tried to live their best lives with the assistance from others. Lastly, this study concluded with suggestions to children experienced parental divorce, it is hoped that family members and related professionals can provide support to these people, so that the adversity of parental divorce won’t have great impact on these children, and they can grow up resiliently.

主题分类 社會科學院 > 社會工作學系
社會科學 > 社會學
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