


The Change of Tax Incentives and Real-Based Earnings Management: Evidence from Abolition of The Statue of Upgrading Industry






促進產業升級條例 ; 產業創新條例 ; 租稅優惠 ; 盈餘管理 ; 實質盈餘管理 ; Statute for Upgrading Industry ; Act for Industrial Innovation ; tax incentives ; earnings management ; real-based earnings management












民國98年4月16日,我國立法院三讀通過「產業創新條例」,行政院亦於同年7月16日通過廢止「促進產業升級條例」案,送請立法院審議廢止,立法院並決議促進產業升級條例於民國98年底落日,此變革使企業享有之租稅優惠減少,惟於民國98年度認列之投資抵減,仍可依促進產業升級條例自民國98年度起五年內抵減各年度應納營業事業所得稅額。本研究欲探討民國98年度企業是否以向下實質盈餘管理之方式進行租稅規劃,以增加未來可抵減稅額。 本研究參考Roychowdhury (2006)的實質盈餘管理模型,以民國95年度至民國102年度之資料,估計異常裁量性費用與異常生產成本,再偵測民國98年度至民國99年度之實質盈餘管理情形。研究結果發現,企業在民國98年會向下盈餘管理,以增加未來可抵減稅額,並於民國99年度有迴轉的情形。本研究亦探討電子產業盈餘管理程度是否較非電子產業為大,實證結果顯示電子產業向下盈餘管理之程度較非電子產業為大。綜上所述,企業於租稅優惠減少時,會有向下實質盈餘管理之行為,而長期受惠於租稅優惠之產業,其向下實質盈餘管理之程度會較高。


The Legislative Yuan of Republic of China passed the Act for Industrial Innovation and decided to abolish the Statute for Upgrading Industry in 2009. The change curtailed the tax incentives that firms could reduce the corporate income tax; however the tax credits generated in 2010 could be used to reduce the corporate income tax from 2010 to 2013. Hence, this study expects managements would manage the earnings downwards by accelerating the discretionary expenses and reducing the production cost, which so called real-based activities earnings management. In order to measure the abnormal discretionary expenses and abnormal production costs, we adopt the model which is used to detect real-based earnings management by Roychowdhury (2006). The empirical results indicate that managements managed the earnings downwards by real activities in 2009 and reversed in 2010. Moreover, we test whether the managements of electronic industry, which took much more tax-credits benefits than other industries, managed the earnings more than other industries. As expected, the result is that the electronic industry managed the earning downwards much more than other industries. In summary, this study discovers that managements would manage the earnings downwards by real-based managements while the tax incentives decreased.

主题分类 管理學院 > 會計學系
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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  1. 謝淑滿(2016)。兩稅合一新制與分類變動彈性盈餘管理。中原大學會計學系學位論文。2016。1-51。