


Neural Correlates of Chinese Classifiers Processing






中文 ; 量詞 ; 功能性磁振造影 ; 功能性連結 ; 語意處理 ; Chinese ; classifier ; fMRI ; functional connectivity ; semantic processing












中文量詞與其後所接之名詞,隨著不同的組合方式而產生不同程度的語意共通合法性。過去研究將中文量詞區分為可數量詞 (count classifiers) 和不可數量詞 (mass classifiers) 進行探討,然而卻鮮少探討成人於量詞違例下語意處理之神經機制。本研究以功能性磁振造影 (functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI),探討不同類別量詞違例情況下腦區活化之差異,同時也以心理生理交互作用分析 (psychophysiological interactions) 探討相關腦區間的功能性連結。本研究共有 29 位中文成人母語參與者,進行中文量詞的語意合法性判斷作業,刺激材料分為三種類型:類別內量詞違例 (intra-classifier, 例如:可數量詞之內或不可數量詞之內的錯誤置換)、類別間量詞違例 (inter-classifier, 例如:可數量詞與不可數量詞之間的錯誤置換),以及正確一致的量詞組合。腦造影的結果顯示,類別間量詞違例相較於類別內量詞違例,有較多的雙側額下迴 (inferior frontal gyri) 活化,推論在類別間量詞違例的情況下,量詞與其後所接之名詞的語意共通合法性較少,使得搜尋共通語意屬性時需較多的腦區活化。此外由功能性連結結果發現,處理類別間量詞違例時,雙側額下迴都會顯著地連結到中側前額葉 (medial frontal gyrus),推論由於激發較多無相關的語意屬性,因此需要進行抑制無關屬性以達到正確之語意判斷。最後,由功能性連結結果發現,右側額下迴顯著地連結到左側顳中迴 (middle temporal gyrus),推論在不同類別間量詞置換的情況,需要較多的語意提取與選擇歷程。綜上述結果,雙側額下迴、中側前額葉以及左側顳中迴於中文量詞語意處理網絡中,扮演著語意屬性的搜尋,抑制,提取與選擇的角色。


In Chinese, classifiers have varying degrees of overlapping semantic features with their corresponding nouns. Count classifiers, which individualize nouns, are semantically distinct from mass classifiers, which are general measurements of nouns. The present functional magnetic resonance imaging study aimed to clarify the neural correlates of processing erroneous count versus mass classifier use during reading comprehension. Twenty-nine native Chinese speakers made semantic congruency judgments on congruent, intra-classifier (IA) violated, and inter-classifier (IE) violated phrases. The IA and IE violations involved changing a correct classifier to an incorrect classifier of the same category (e.g. count-count or mass-mass) and of a different category (e.g. count-mass or mass-count), respectively. Functional connectivity as revealed by psychophysiological interactions analysis helped clarify whether there would be condition-specific connectivity between brain regions during semantic judgments. The IE violation condition produced more activation in the bilateral inferior frontal gyri (IFG) when contrasted with the IA violation condition, suggesting that searching for overlapping features may result in increased demand on semantic processing when dealing with between-category classifier errors. The bilateral IFG were functionally connected to the medial frontal gyrus, suggesting a certain degree of inhibition and interference resolution of irrelevant semantic features between an incorrect classifier and noun. The right IFG was also functionally connected to the left middle temporal gyrus (MTG), suggesting a need for lexical retrieval and selection of semantic features. Overall, these results suggest that the bilateral IFG functions as part of a larger semantic network involving the medial frontal gyrus and the left MTG during the processing of Chinese classifiers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
理學院 > 心理學系
社會科學 > 心理學
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