


The Famers’ Welfare Effect Analysis of Amending the Law






農民 ; 農民福利 ; 社會保險 ; 農民健康保險 ; 老年農民福利津貼 ; farmers ; social insurance ; farmer’s health insurance ; the welfare allowance for elderly farmers












臺灣的農民福利以農保和老農津貼為主,由於農保長期虧損和老農津貼支出龐大,主管機關於2001年起針對兩大制度進行重大的改革修法。基此,本研究的研究目的分別為(一)釐清農保制度兩次改革的具體影響與其制度結構的改變。(二)分析老農津貼的改革成效。(三)探討兩大制度的整合方案,提出健全農民福利制度修法建議。 本研究以文獻分析法分析兩大制度的法規及文獻,再就相關業務統計資料進行統計分析及SWOT分析,探討修法前後的改革成效。本研究發現經過改革之後,農保呈現被保險人數大輻減少、給付支出與虧損縮小和年齡結構老化等現象;老農津貼的核發人數與金額短期內下降有限。另外於農保制度和兩大制度整合等仍有九項問題待後續進行改革。 本研究所提出改革方案有:(一)農保制度名稱修正為農民保險條例。(二)投保單位調整為鄉鎮市區公所。(三)訂定投保年齡上限為65歲。(四)建立農民的農業所得相關機制。(五)建立月投保金額級距(六)調高保險費率,並訂定保險費率漸進調整機制。(七)調整保險費的被保險人負擔比例為60%。(八)建立完整的保險給付項目及內容(九)將老農津貼納入農保。最後依據前述改革方案,修正相關規定。


The farmers’ health insurance and the welfare allowance for elderly farmers are the most important components of social welfare system for farmers in Taiwan. However, both farmers’ welfare programs encountered huge insurance financial losses and growingpension expenditures. The competent authorities implement substantial reform of farmers' welfare institution since 2001. The purposes of this study are threefold, including: (1) To clarify the impact and changes of the two-stage reform of the farmer’s health insurance system on its insured structure. (2) To analyze reform effectiveness of the welfare allowance for elderly farmers. (3) To draft legislative amendment proposal for future positive development of farmers’ welfare system. This research methods used in this study, including document analysis, descriptive statistical analysis and SWOT, explore the reform effectiveness of amending the farmers’ welfare laws. Several relevant results found in this study. The farmers’ welfare reforms effectively contributes to decreasing the number of insured persons and aging structure, as well as reducing amount of insurance payments and insurance financial losses. Significant improvements have been made in two-stage legislative reforms, but problems remain with future development of farmers’ welfare system. Consequently, the study proposes nine suggestions for further reform and improvement of farmers’ welfare system. (1) The Farmers’ Health Insurance Act should be renamed as Farmers Insurance Act. (2) The township/municipal district office should be responsible for farmers’ insurance matters, instead of Farmers’ Associations. (3) Set the upper age limit for insured person as 65 years old. (4) Establish investigation mechanism to confirm agricultural income of farmers. (5) Differentiate monthly insured amount, based on farmer’s income level. (6) Increase the premiume rat gradually, and introduce premium rate adjustment mechanism. (7) The insured person pays the premium rate should be adjusted to 60%. (8) Build up a comprehensive social protection program for ensuring farmers’ welfare. (9) Intergrate the welfare allowance for elderly farmers into the farmers’ insurance program.

主题分类 生物資源暨農學院 > 農業經濟學系
生物農學 > 農業
社會科學 > 經濟學
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