


Investigation of optoelectronic properties of all marine materials based random laser






隨機雷射 ; 葉綠素 ; 海生植物 ; 珊瑚 ; 奈米結構 ; Random laser ; Chlorophyll ; Aquatic plant ; Corals ; Nano structures












在近十年的光學領域研究當中,隨機雷射相較於傳統雷射有著許多先天性的優勢,舉凡可撓性、微小的體積、簡單的結構設計、低成本以及量產的可能性等,都顯示其在未來具有相當的應用價值. 我們利用了一系列取材自之海洋生物的對環境相當友善之材料來源,力求為我們的環境保護盡一份心力,先研究以萃取自海生來源植物之葉綠素之發光特性,再透過物理來分析其有趣的光電特性,並以此作為發光材料,藉由取材自海洋中的珊瑚骨骼的微米級至奈米級之孔洞結構所形成之共振腔來產生同調性回饋,形成隨機雷射。


In the study of optical field among nearly a decade, random laser has many inherent advantages compared to traditional laser, such as flexibility, small size, simple structure, low cost and the possibility of mass production and other fantastic features which has considerable value in the near future. We use a series of materials derived from the marine environment, which is environmentally friendly, striving to make a contribution to environmental protection. First we study the optical properties of the chlorophyll which extracted from the aquatic plant, then using the physics to analysis its interesting optical and electrical properties, using this kind of material as photoluminescence material, then make a combination with coral skeletons, which structure from micron to nanoscale, to be a resonant cavities to produce the coherent feedback to generate random laser.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 物理
理學院 > 應用物理研究所
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