


The Effect of R&D Tax Credit on Firm's R&D Expenditure






研究發展 ; 研究發展支出 ; 投資抵減 ; 產業創新條例 ; 租稅優惠 ; R&D ; R&D expenditures ; tax credit ; Industrial Innovation Act ; tax incentives












政府為了提升國家產業的競爭優勢、因應經濟發展的需求,先後制定了《獎勵投資條例》、《促進產業升級條例》及《產業創新條例》等規定,長期以來以租稅減免為誘因,以誘發企業投入研究發展。本研究主要探討,在2009年《促進產業升級條例》落日後,接續《產業創新條例》的實施及營所稅稅率的調降,此一稅制的調整後,研發投資抵減租稅優惠政策對於企業的研究發展支出是否仍有誘發效果。 本文以北區國稅局2009 年至2010 年度營利事業所得稅結算申報資料,運用SPSS、Stata等統計軟體進行廻歸分析結果,獲取四項研究結論:(一)投資抵減變動率對企業的研究發展支出之變動,未有顯著影響。(二)研發密集度對投資抵減變動率不具調節效果。(三)企業規模與應納稅額,對企業的研發支出的變動均呈顯著正向影響。(四)現金流量,對企業的研發支出的變動呈顯著負向影響。


In order to promote competitive advantages of Taiwan’s industries and meet the needs of its economic development, the government enacted regulations “the Statute for the Encouragement of Investment”, “the Statute for Upgrading Industry”, and “the Act for Industrial Innovation”, in order of precedence. The underlying rationale for such regulations lies in tax deductions as incentives for firms to invest in research and development. After the Statute for Upgrading Industry terminated in 2009, the Act for Industrial Innovation went into operation and reduced enterprise income tax rate. The purpose of the current study is to explore whether such changes in tax policies would have fostered corporate investment in R & D expenditures. The current study used the data of 2009 and 2010 for-profit enterprise income tax filings collected from the National Tax Administration of Northern Taiwan province. SPSS and Stata were used to run regression analyses. The data yielded four major findings: (1) The changes in tax deductions for R & D investment intensity had no significant effect on actual corporate R & D expenditures; (2) R & D investment had no moderating effect on the changes in tax deductions for R & D investment; (3) The size of firms and the amount of tax payable had a positive effect on the changes in R & D expenditures; (4) Cash flow had a negative effect on the changes in R & D expenditures.

主题分类 社會科學院 > 國家發展研究所
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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