The purpose of the study is to construct a method to correct imperfections of the hemispherical shell, which is the major component of the hemispherical resonator gyroscope.
Some defects will be produced during manufacturing process, such as the voids, bubbles, geometric errors and impurities. These imperfections cause the non-uniformity in material parameters and geometry. It will result in the natural frequency splits of the hemispherical shell.
This thesis is based on the shell theory written by Niordson, and employ Rayleigh’s approximate solution and utilize Hamilton principle to derive the equation of motion. After the equation of motion of an imperfect hemispherical resonator gyroscope are investigated, we use Lissajous figure to find out the eigenvector which has lower frequency, then we do mass-trimming at this location to adjust frequency bifurcation.
After mass-trimming, we set the electrode sheets, which can change the stiffness of the hemispherical shell by electrostatic force when supplying voltage, to adjust micro frequency bifurcation.
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