


The Effects of the Superior's Subjective Discretion on Bonus Allocation on the Subordinates' Perceived Justice, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance: An Experimental Study






主觀衡量 ; 知覺公平 ; 工作滿意程度 ; 工作績效 ; 結構方程模式 ; subjectivity ; perceived justice ; job satisfaction ; job performance ; structural equation modeling












本研究以實驗室研究法探討主管主觀分配獎酬方式對員工知覺公平、工作滿意程度與工作績效之影響。本研究招募70名臺灣大學之大學部及碩士班在學學生為受試者。在實驗中,以兩位受試者為一個工作團隊,受試者在八期的實驗各自獨立執行轉碼工作。本研究採3×1的受試者間實驗操弄方式,將受試者隨機分派至三組不同的獎酬分配方式之其中一組,這三組分別為「依個人績效按件計酬組」、「依團隊績效平均分配組」及「依主管裁量分配組」。 本研究以結構方程模式驗證假說,研究結果顯示,主管主觀分配獎酬方式會直接影響員工知覺公平與工作績效,但不會直接影響員工工作滿意程度;員工知覺公平與會正向影響工作滿意程度,但不會直接影響工作績效;而工作滿意程度與工作績效具有正向關係。在中介效果的部分,主管主觀分配獎酬方式會透過員工知覺公平的中介作用,對工作滿意程度產生影響;而員工知覺公平會透過工作滿意程度的中介作用,對工作績效產生影響。


This study examines the effects of the superior’s subjective discretion on bonus allocation on the subordinates’ perceived justice, job satisfaction, and job performance. This study recruits 70 undergraduates and graduates as the participants in an experiment in which they are paired to form a two-person team to perform the decoding task independently for eight periods. Adopting a 3x1 between-subjects design by which the participants are randomly assigned to one of three bonus allocation methods: compensation based on actual individual-performance, compensation based on equal share of the actual team performance, and compensation based on the superior’s subjective judgment which deviates from actual individual-performance. Using structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses, this study finds that the superior’s subjective discretion has a direct effect on the subordinate’s perceived justice as well as job performance, but does not has a direct effect on job satisfaction. Perceived justice has a direct effect on job satisfaction but not job performance. Job satisfaction has a direct effect on job performance. In terms of mediating effects, the superior’s subjective discretion has an indirect effect on job satisfaction via perceived justice. Also, perceived justice has an indirect effect on job performance via job satisfaction. Implications for performance evaluation and incentive contracts are discussed.

主题分类 管理學院 > 會計學系
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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