


A Study of Rural Area Elderly’s Health Information Behavior






鄉村地區高齡者 ; 健康資訊需求 ; 健康資訊認知重要性 ; 健康資訊尋求 ; 健康尋求行為 ; Rural Elderly ; Health Information Need ; Health Information Perceived Importance ; Health Information Seeking ; Health-Seeking Behavior














With highly development of public health and medical technology, many diseases could be prevented effectively, and mortality rate has gone done annually. In addition, Taiwan people’s life expectancy has extended and elderly increases due to improvement of income and life quality. The elder population ratio in rural area gets even higher because many young people move out of rural areas. So that elderly health care and health demand has aroused much more concern. The purpose of this study is to analyze rural area elderly health information behavior. The study analysis the data of “2010 Elderly Health Information Need and Behavior Study of Rural Areas” to understand rural elderly’s health information need, health information perceived importance, health information seeking and health-seeking behavior. The study further use factor analysis, correlation analysis and Multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the relationship between personal factors, personal health status and health information behavior. The results of this empirical simulation are summarized as follows: (1) Rural elderly’s health information need includes: exercise and fitness, nutrition, health service, preventive health care, aging and health improvement and treatment, and it is correlated to rural elderly’s age, education status, attitudes toward aging and approaches to health maintenance; (2) The components of rural elderly’s health information perceived importance are the same as health information need, and they are correlated to rural elderly’s attitudes toward aging and approaches to health maintenance; (3) Rural elderly’s health information seeking sources can be classified to four categories, which are: consulting source, agency source, mass communication source and interpersonal source. The personal factors and personal health status have different effects to the four sources; (4) Rural elderly’s health-seeking behavior can be classified to direct health-seeking behavior and indirect health-seeking behavior. The rural elderly’s education status and approaches to health maintenance are two major factors for their health-seeking behavior.

主题分类 生物資源暨農學院 > 生物產業傳播暨發展學系
生物農學 > 生物科學
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