


The physiological characters of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis Rupr.) seedlings under heat and/or waterlogging stresses






結球白菜 ; 丙二醛 ; 過氧化氫 ; 葉綠素a/b ; 抗壞血酸過氧化酶 ; 過氧化氫酶 ; Chinese cabbage ; malondialdehyde ; hydrogen peroxide ; chlorophyll a/b ; ascorbate peroxidase ; catalase.












臺灣夏季高溫多濕限制結球白菜(Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis Rupr.)生產,選育具高溫淹水耐受性之結球白菜品種為目前產業所需,適當之苗期生理指標將可作為選拔耐高溫淹水品種的依據。本研究以17個結球白菜品種/系為材料,分別進行夏季、秋季田間產量試驗以及21天齡苗於25°C /20°C常溫、25°C /20°C淹水、35°C /30°C高溫及35°C /30°C淹水處理之生理指標試驗。經比較103年秋作與104年夏作之葉球鮮重後,選出夏季高產之耐高溫品種ʻ慶農200ʼ及ʻ玉豐ʼ,其幼苗於35°C/30°C與35°C/30°C淹水處理下,丙二醛(malondialdehyde, MDA)及過氧化氫(hydrogen peroxide, H2O2)含量顯著低於熱敏感品種ʻ瑞樺12號ʼ與ʻ瑞農720ʼ。在35°C/30°C高溫淹水2天期間,ʻ慶農200ʼ幼苗之抗壞血酸過氧化酶(ascorbate peroxidase, APX)相對活性皆高於熱敏感品種ʻ瑞農720ʼ,且較ʻ瑞農720ʼ更快提升其過氧化氫酶(catalase, CAT)之相對活性。自交系cc-st 03、cc-st 21、cc-st 23、cc-st 24、cc-st 25、cc-st 26與cc-st 29於夏季高溫環境下仍能結球,可視為具有耐熱潛力之品系;秋作淹水後葉球較輕之品系cc-st 09與cc-st 22,其幼苗經25°C/20°C常溫淹水後恢復48 h,葉綠素b含量下降、葉綠素a/b較高。而幼苗各處理後之地上部與根部相對乾重、葉綠素計讀值(SPAD)、葉綠素螢光Fv/Fm與細胞膜相對熱傷害值(relative injury, RI),和夏、秋作葉球鮮重之間則無顯著相關性。綜之,結球白菜21天齡苗之生理指標,包括葉片APX與CAT之相對活性、葉綠素a/b、MDA及H2O2含量,可與其夏、秋兩作田間試驗之葉球產量相呼應,可做為篩選結球白菜高溫及/或淹水逆境耐受性之苗期生理指標,以縮短育種時間。


Hot and wet summer in Taiwan limited the production of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis Rupr.). Selecting heat- and waterlogging-tolerant Chinese cabbage were needed for current industry. Proper physiological indexes of seedlings could be useful tools to screen heat and/or waterlogging tolerant cultivars. This research used 17 cultivars/lines of Chinese cabbage as materials, conducted the field yield trail in summer and autumn and the physiological index experiments on 21 days seedlings treated with 25°C/20°C, waterlogging at 25°C/20°C, 35°C/30°C, and waterlogging at 35°C/30°C, respectively. Comparing with the head fresh weight in 2014 autumn and 2015 summer trails, ʻChing-Long 200ʼ and ʻYu-Fong ʼcould be regarded as the heat-tolerant cultivars, due to high head fresh weight in summer. Seedlings of these two cultivars also showed significantly lower contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) than the heat-sensitive cultivars ʻRuey-Hua No. 12ʼ and ʻRuey-Long 720ʼ after 35°C/30°C and waterlogging at 35°C/30°C treatments in seedling stage. The relative ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in ʻChing-Long 200ʼ seedlings were higher than the heat sensitive cultivar, in the waterlogging at 35°C/30°C treatment. The relative catalase activity in ʻChing-Long 200ʼ also raised faster than ʻRuey-Long 720ʼ. Inbred lines cc-st 03, cc-st 21, cc-st 23, cc-st 24, cc-st 25, cc-st 26 and cc-st 29 could be regarded as the potential heat-tolerant lines, since they formed head in the summer. Inbred lines cc-st 09 and cc-st 22, which had relatively low head fresh weight in autumn waterlogging trail, chlorophyll b content declined but chlorophyll a/b raised after waterlogging at 25°C/20°C treatment followed by recovery 48 h in the seedling stage. However, the seedling indexes in heat and/or waterlogging treatments, such as the relative dry weight of shoot and root, SPAD, chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm and cell membrane relative injury, did not show significant correlations with the head fresh weight in summer and autumn. In conclusion, the physiological index, relative activity of leaf APX and CAT, chlorophyll a/b, MDA and H2O2 contents, in 21 days Chinese cabbage seedlings were consistent with the head fresh weight in autumn and summer. These physiological indexes might be used to screen heat- and/or waterlogging-tolerant Chinese cabbage lines and shorten the breeding time.

主题分类 生物資源暨農學院 > 園藝暨景觀學系
生物農學 > 農業
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