The financial distress predicted model has been researched for many years so there are many theses not only domestic but oversea. In the past, most of the predicted models were basic in the financial data. However, the enterprise’s financial reports were usually window dressed through specific methods to be beautified so that it caused some bias and reduce the exactness for the financial distress predicted model considering only financial ratio. Besides, the family enterprise has been the important role in the economy of the world. In conservative estimates, family enterprise in the world accounted for between 65% to 80%. And the world’s top 500 enterprises, the family enterprise accounted for 40%.
Therefore, there are two purposes for this study. First, research whether there is correlation between the family enterprise factor and the company financial distressing. Second, adopt logistic regression method to establish the financial distress predicted model considering the family enterprise factors and then compare with the model only considering financial ratios to study whether the model having the family enterprise factor increase the performance. According to the result, the family enterprise factor and financial distress are not independent and there is positive correlation. Then, the model considering the variables of enterprise factors would increase the model’s performance.
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