


Synthesis and Electrochromic Properties of Novel Triarylamine-based Functional Polymers and Hybrid Materials.






三芳胺 ; 聚醚 ; 混成材料 ; sol-gel ; 電致變色 ; triarylamine ; polyether ; hybrid materials ; sol-gel ; electrochromic












本論文分為四個章節,第一章為總體序論。第二章中以2種具有矽醚保護基的三芳香胺衍生單體TPA-2P及BDATA-2P與不同二氟單體合成二系列之新型芳香族聚醚。第三章節中將第二章節中所合成的具有矽醚保護基的三芳香胺衍生單體BDATA-2P及TDATA-2P,進行脫去矽醚保護基反應生成BDATA-2OH及TDATA-2OH。 單體上的羫基提供有效的有機-無機物鍵結位置,以sol-gel的方法來製備獲得三芳香安衍生單體/ZrO2混合膜。第五章為結論。 這些含三芳香胺結構之高分子及混成材料的合成、基本特性、電化學急電致變色性質皆被研究。所有的高分子具有良好的溶解性、出色的薄膜形成能力、良好的熱性質。在利用電化學與光譜電化學的方法下,這些含三芳香胺結構之高分子及混成材料展現良好的電致變色能力,隨著N中心數目的增長,並具有多段變色的能力。


This study has been separated into five chapters. Chapter 1 is general introduction. Chapter 2 includes two series of novel aromatic polyether derived from two kinds of triarylamine-based compounds TPA-2P, BDATA-2P and two kinds of difluoride. Chapter 3 describes two novel compounds BDATA-2OH and TDATA-2OH were prepared by using deprotection reaction from BDATA-2P and TDATA-2P. These triphenylamine derivatives via hydroxyl groups as the reaction sites to be introduced into the hybrid network by sol gel reaction. Chapter 4 is conclusions. The synthesis, basic characterization, electrochemical and electrochromic properties of these novel triarylamine-based functional polyethers and hybrid materials were investigated. All polymers revealed good solubility in many solvent with excellent thin-film-forming ability. These polymers also showed good thermal stability with the glass-transition temperature higher than 200 oC. All polymers and hybrid materials revealed good electrochromic characteristics and some electroactive films (BDATA-PES, TDATA-hybrid) showed multicolor electrochromic behavior by the electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical.

主题分类 工學院 > 高分子科學與工程學研究所
工程學 > 化學工業
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