


A Human-Following Robot Based on a Multi-Modal Fusion Strategy






多模態融合辨識 ; 藍牙 ; 模糊積分 ; 跟隨機器人 ; Multimodal Recognition System ; Bluetooth ; Fuzzy Integral ; Following Robot














With the advance of science and technology, robotics is becoming increasingly important. We can observe the integration of robots into our society. One of the most interesting aspects in the field of robotics is service robots. Compared with other robots used in the industry, service robots are required to be much more interactive with humans. People are therefore more intrigued by service robots. To achieve natural interaction between service robots and humans, human-computer interaction is one of the most important aspects of robotics. This thesis is focused on the development of a following robot based on a multimodal recognition system, distance information provided by Bluetooth from Android smartphones, and a laser rangefinder. When the following robot loses track of the target person, it has the ability to find the target person by using the distance information. After the target person is found by the following robot, the following robot can recognize the target person by using the multimodal recognition system.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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