The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is expected to launch the ASEAN Economic Community by the end of 2018, further integrating the economic relationships among the 10 member countries, and China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. The ASEAN will become a globally prominent consumer market and a single production base. Therefore, whether Taiwan has established sufficient economic and trade relations and collaborations with the ASEAN countries warrants in-depth discussion.
This study uses the gravity model to analyze the trade flow changes between Taiwan and the ASEAN region in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 from the macroeconomics perspective. It also considers the trade relations of South Korea and China with the ASEAN and discusses the differences between Taiwan and these two countries in trade with the ASEAN countries. The results show that Taiwan’s trade relations with the ASEAN are closer than with countries that are not members of ASEAN. Taiwan and the ASEAN have maintained stable trade relationships since 2000; however, between 1995 and 2015, South Korea and China maintained closer trade relations with the ASEAN than Taiwan. After South Korea and China signed free trade agreements (FTAs) with the ASEAN, the gap between Taiwan and the two countries widened in terms of trade with the ASEAN. There are major differences in the trade relations between Taiwan and ASEAN member countries. Countries that have closer ties with Taiwan include Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. Indonesia and the Philippines have more distant trade relationships, while Vietnam has developed a deeper trade relationship with Taiwan. Taiwan has normal trade relations with countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos.
Based on empirical results, this study proposes policy recommendations to attract Singapore, a highly economically developed country, to invest in Taiwan and set up factories. As Malaysia and Thailand are undergoing rapid economic development, Taiwanese corporations should take advantage of their investments there to capture the market in both countries. In less economically developed ASEAN countries, the Taiwanese government should encourage entrepreneurs to invest in industries that are valued locally. Although the ASEAN has been boosting internal integration in recent years, the level of economic development in each member country is different. The government should implement appropriate strategies to respond to the developmental needs of each member country and strengthen trade relations between Taiwan and the ASEAN.
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