


A Study on End-to-End Kernel-Based Clustering Processes of Similarity Graph Constructions, Kernel Generations and Normalizations






聚類分析 ; 核方法 ; 矩陣標準化 ; 核相似圖建構 ; 圖稀疏 ; cluster analysis ; kernel method ; matrix normalization ; kernel similarity matrix construction ; graph sparsification














Kernel-based clustering such as Spectral Clustering, Kernel K-Means, and Symmetry NMF plays an important role on data mining. This works aims at answering a critical research question regarding to kernel-based clustering: how the similarity matrix generations, sparsification, and the normalizations influence the clustering results? Can we identify a set of combinations among them to achieve high-quality clustering results. Furthermore, in this thesis we provide a interpretation of the graph sparsification, especially K-NN graph in terms of the graph Laplacian property to explain why it works.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
電機資訊學院 > 資訊工程學系
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